georgia jewelry wholesale What does it mean to shrink the sideways after falling?

georgia jewelry wholesale

1 thought on “georgia jewelry wholesale What does it mean to shrink the sideways after falling?”

  1. murrina jewelry wholesale After the decline of stocks, the sideways means that after a long decline in individual stocks, it may have fallen to the bottom. At this time, many parties have not allowed the stock price to continue to fall, indicating that the long and short power is evenly matched, so the low sideways occurs.
    This, when this situation generally represents, the stock price may not continue to fall down, but it has just entered a stage of a box shock. In the early stage, the rise is too large and the time is too fast, so when the callback is recovered, the "time change space". When this situation appears, you can do a band operation in the box, buy low and sell high. It can also be based on watching and waiting for the market market to gradually buy. If the sideways of the scale for a long time, the company can buy it if there is a significant benefit; when the sideways of the scale is long, the technical surface turns. Such as the Dayang Line and the Kwan of the Water Furong, it means that the stock price may begin to reverse. At this time, it is the timing of buying. In short, when the sideways is reduced after the decline, it should not be too greedy.
    This sideways refers to the small fluctuations of the stock price for a period of time, and did not show a significant rise or decline trend, and accompanied by the transaction volume significantly reduced before. At this stage, due to the small amplitude and the direction is not easy to grasp, investors are confused. At this time, investors should watch their changes and do not participate in operations. When the situation gradually clearer It's better. In the stock market, the sideways of the stock market is generally accompanied by the main operation. For example, when a stock is settled by the main funds, the corresponding shake and rising will be performed. At this time, the main force also sucks the chips, and the stock price is constantly rising. After the influence, the main force will carry out the corresponding dishwashing operation. On the one hand, it will remove which investors who are not determined and reduce the cost of the main force. Stabilize investors.
    The main force at this time will not intervene in the operation of the stock price too much, allowing retail investors to buy and sell freely, so the transaction volume at this time will not be large, and sometimes in order to maintain the stability of the stock price, the main force will be properly shot properly. Some of the main force will properly lower the stock price, so basically the stock price at this time is difficult to rise or fall in a large scale. In this case, most of the market outlook still has a tendency to rise. Sometimes when the stock has a high -level sideways at a high level, the market outlook will fall with the stock price. The specific situation should be analyzed in detail. Different main forces have different operating styles. If investors want to intervene at this time, wait until the stock price will rise again, and set the stop loss point and short -term operation. Once the stock price appears, the stock price will turn around. Decisive.
    [Extended information]
    The finishing of the stock platform is a kind of trend in the stock trend. It is manifested on the K -line diagram as the overall horizontal direction trend. In this case, it is necessary to wait for the stock price to choose the direction. Break through the platform up or down. When the stock price runs for a period of time, it cannot continue the previous trend due to some reasons, and then fluctuates within a price range, generates a sidewalk or a certain amount of finishing to form a price platform. Later, the stock price broke through this platform (maybe it was a breakthrough or a breakthrough), called platform breakthrough. ?? Standard triangle breakthrough theoretical graphics are as follows, and there are also formulas: one without rising, second, but three breakthroughs, breakthroughs to confirm the main rise of the main waves, how wide and high, which is the theory that doubles the theory.

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