2 thoughts on “I want to wholesale some toys and accessories, and then set up my own stall”
To set up a stall, two things are most important. One is to have a stable purchasing channel and the price should be cost-effective. The other is to know how to sell the products. Now it is very convenient for everyone to shop, so the most important problem of lightsabers is that they can be sold. For the wholesale of goods, you can purchase goods directly from the Yiwu factory through the online platform of Yiwu small commodity wholesale market - yicaibao. As for how to sell, you need to come up with some ideas.
I think it's very good. Generally, when I go out, I can see the stalls selling toys and accessories. The business looks good, but some things are not good-looking. If you want to sell, you can choose some good-looking things to sell
To set up a stall, two things are most important. One is to have a stable purchasing channel and the price should be cost-effective. The other is to know how to sell the products. Now it is very convenient for everyone to shop, so the most important problem of lightsabers is that they can be sold. For the wholesale of goods, you can purchase goods directly from the Yiwu factory through the online platform of Yiwu small commodity wholesale market - yicaibao. As for how to sell, you need to come up with some ideas.
I think it's very good. Generally, when I go out, I can see the stalls selling toys and accessories. The business looks good, but some things are not good-looking. If you want to sell, you can choose some good-looking things to sell