costa rica jewelry wholesale How to synthesize big gems in Diablo 2

costa rica jewelry wholesale I have seen this formula before, and I have a deep impression, so let's ask
I I remember that there are only 2 shattered gems after the big gem is synthesized.

5 thoughts on “costa rica jewelry wholesale How to synthesize big gems in Diablo 2”

  1. 925 jewelry wholesale china Normal version does not have this formula.

    09 synthesis formula (110 is also applicable)

    three perfect skull a bright yellow outstanding equipment Stone of jordan (a dark gold unique ring) -> Bright yellow outstanding equipment is inlaid

    A perfect skull a bright yellow outstanding equipment Stone of Jordan Outstanding equipment

    Six perfect skulls a bright yellow outstanding equipment-> A random low-quality low-quality bright yellow outstanding equipment

    four medical medicinal water ( Any type) a ruby ​​(any type) blue magic item category-> A sword that can absorb the health of life

    three rings-> A random amulet

    three amulets-> A random ring

    three recovery potion-> one full recovery potion

    (Level is lower than the perfect type)-> One of the same type of gemstone

    three minimum gems a sword (any type)-> A magic attribute of the same type The sword

    two bags of crossbow arrows-> one bag of bow and arrow

    two bags of bow and arrow-> one bag of crossbow
    n -> A bunch of throwing guns

    One ax a dagger-> Flying Ax
    3 Thul (10#) 1 Broken yellow gem = amn (11#)
    3 amn (11#) 1 broken purple gem = sol (12#)
    3 sol (12#) 1 broken sapphire = shal (13#)
    3 shal (13#) 1 broken ruby ​​gem = DOL (14#)

    This can only act in a single -machine game, open role, Ladder mode character. Can't work in ordinary server games.
    3 dol (14#) 1 broken emerald = hel (15#) ladder only!
    3 hel (15#) 1 broken white gem = IO (16#) ladder only!
    3 IO (16#) 1 Cracky yellow gem = lum (17#) ladder only!
    3 lum (17#) 1 Cracking amethyst = ko (18#) ladder only!
    3 ko (18#) 1 Cracking sapphire = FAL (19#) Ladder only!
    3 fal (19#) 1 Cracking ruby ​​= LADDERNLY!
    3 LEM (20#) 1 Cracking emerald = Pul (21#) Ladder only!
    2 pul (21#) 1 Cracking white gem = um (22#) ladder only!
    2 Um (22#) 1 yellow gems = MAL (23#) ladder only!
    2 mal (23#) 1 ame = IST (24#) Ladder only!
    2 IST (24#) 1 sapphire = gul (25#) ladder only!
    2 gul (25#) 1 ruby ​​= vex (26#) ladder only!
    2 vedx (26#) 1 emerald = OHM (27# ) Ladder only!
    2 ohm (27#) 1 white gem = lo (28#) ladder only!
    2 lo (28#) 1 flawless yellow gem pornography = Sur (29#) ladder only !
    2 Sur (29#) 1 flawless purple pillow = Ber (30#) ladder only!
    2 Ber (30#) 1 flawless sapphire = jah (31#) ladder only!
    2 jah (31#) 1 flawless ruby ​​= cham (32#) ladder only!
    2 cham (32#) 1 flawless emerald = zod (33#) ladder only!

    3 ordinary gem 1 with holes (any type) = 1 with hole magic weapon (the same type)
    This formula will randomly generate a new hole weapon. The type of weapon is the same as the original. The number of holes is randomly generated and the attributes will also change. The biggest role is to turn a black -banded holy weapon into a blue weapon.

    3 Non -flawed gem 1 magic weapon = with holes magic weapon
    This to ordinary blue weapons. There is no specific explanation method in terms of number of holes. It should be randomly generated. Attributes will be completely changed. .

    1 tal (7#) 1 thul (10#) 1 Perfect Yellow Hemon ordinary armor = the same type with holes

    1 ral (8#) 1 amn (11#) 1 Perfect purple gem ordinary weapon = the same type with holes
    The number of jack will change randomly.

    1 ral (8#) 1 Thul (10#) 1 Perfect Samurai Ordinary Helmet = the same type of helmet
    The number of jack will change randomly.

    1 tal (7#) 1 AMN (11#) 1 Perfect Ruby Ordinary Shield = the same type with Kong Shield
    The number of jack will change randomly. Weapon = the same type of high -quality weapon

    1 EL (1#) 1 broken gem low -quality anti -weapon = the same type of high -quality armor
    n1 ral (8#) 1 SOL (12#) 1 Perfect Emerald Ordinary Dark Gold weapon = This weapon extension version
    This formula will increase the ordinary level of dark gold weapons into an extended dark gold weapon. , Just to improve the basic type of items, ETH items are also effective.

    1 tal (7#) 1 shal (13#) 1 Perfect white gem ordinary dark gold armor = this anti -tool extension version r r r r r
    This will be promoted to the general level of dark gold armor into an expansion -level dark gold armor. The original attributes remain unchanged, but the basic type of items is enhanced. ETH items are also effective.

    1 lum (17 #) 1 Pul (21#) 1 Perfect Emerald Extended Dark Gold Weapons = Ladder only!
    This formula will raise the expansion of dark gold weapons into elite dark gold weapons, The original attributes are unchanged, but the basic type of items is enhanced. ETH items are also effective.

    1 ko (18#) 1 LEM (20#) 1 Ladder only!
    This formula will improve the expansion -level dark gold armor into the elite dark gold armor. n
    1 ORT (9#) weapon broken gem = completely repairing weapon durability
    In this formula in CUBE, you can restore your weapon durability and invalid ETH items. At the same time The items will also be full.

    1 ral (8 #) Anti -Instant Crack Gem = Fully Repair the Durability of the Anti -Instrument
    In this formula in CUBE, you can complete your defense durability. At the same time R n1 hel (15#) return to the city scroll any hole equipment (to put items) = remove items
    Note: This formula will make gems, soda, jewelry, etc. placed on the equipment The disappearance of items

    1 ORT (9#) 1 amn (11#) 1 Perfect Samurai ordinary (basic) bright gold weapon = expansion bright gold weapon n attributes remain unchanged, but the basic type Improve.

    1 ral (8#) 1 thul (10#) 1 Perfect purple gem ordinary (foundation) bright gold armor = expansion gold armor n attributes are unchanged, but the basis Type improvement.

    1 fal (19#) 1 um (22#) 1 Perfect Blue Gem Extended Bright Gold Weapon = Essence Liang Gold Weapon
    The attributes are unchanged, but the basic type is improved.

    1 ko (18#) 1 pul (21#) 1 Perfect purple gem expansion bright gold armor = essence bright armor n attributes unchanged, but the basic type is improved.

    3 Broken gem magic items = new magic items
    The type of item does not change, the magic attribute is changed, random 1 ~ 2 holes.

  2. the taste jewelry-wholesale-beads Do you do that do not post like that! I like to synthesize the purple medicine bottle. It is difficult to mix with no time or perfect gemstone, because it is difficult to find a broken gem in the back (demon, hell)!

  3. pendants jewelry wholesale In the three floors of the "DEAD Level" in the "Dry Hill" scene of the second world, you can find the "Horadric Cube" to be used to synthesize ~~~~~ ~~~

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