genuine gemstone jewelry wholesale What are the customs of Yi people?

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5 thoughts on “genuine gemstone jewelry wholesale What are the customs of Yi people?”

  1. black velvet jewelry boxes wholesale 1. Festivals: festivals are the concentrated performance of the Yi people's lifestyles and customs in various places. The two most solemn festivals are as follows:
    (1) The year of the Yi nationality: The year of the Yi people is the solemn traditional festival of Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou. Called "Ku Shi". The New Year's time in various places is generally selected from the New Year to the New Year in the middle of the lunar calendar from October to November and November.
    (2) Fire handle festival: It is the traditional festival of the Yi nationality. The date is June 24 of each year of the lunar calendar, which lasted three days. During the festival, people are dressed in dresses, concentrated on the flat dams or gentle slopes near the village, singing, dancing, horse racing, bullfighting, sheep fighting, wrestling, beauty pageant, etc. The content of the event is colorful and lively.
    2. Marriage and love: The characteristics of the Yi nationality are characterized by marriage, family branch marriage, grade internal marriage, aunt watch priority marriage and aunts forbidden marriage. This feature is the most prominent in the Yishan Yi region. If the new China is married before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is necessary to execute or expel the family according to the customary method.
    It prohibited marriage in the family branch, and the same surname and the same surname are deemed to be incest. Strictly implement the internal marriage, and the ruling class Zimo and Nuohe and the ruling class are prohibited between marriage between the ruling class, Aga, and the West of the West, and the sexual relationship of extramaritals is also strictly prohibited.
    3. Funeral: The Yi people in most areas are buried. The Liangshan Yi people implement cremation. After the funeral, the ground is excavated and strictly covered with the stone. After that, the "An Ling" ceremony was held for the deceased, and about one inch of bamboo, an outsourced white hair, wrapped the red line, put in a five inches of long, digging grooves, and tied it with hemp skin. Duan, hanging on a piece of bamboo cricket, the spirit card is made, and the Yi language is called "horse capital".
    "Madu" is placed on the throne above the indoor beam. The throne is the most sacred place in the family and is not allowed to defile.
    Extension information:
    The staple food for the Yi nationality is potatoes, corn, buckwheat, rice, etc. Dedicated foods include meat, beans, vegetables, seasonings, and beverages. The meat is dominated by cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. Watching guests must kill animals. Most of the beans are soybeans, hut beans, bowls, etc. A method of food in soybeans is called "Du Laba", which is about to grind soybeans into pulp and add sauerkraut to cook.
    The villages in Yi people usually live in the group, mostly on the hillside of Yishan surrounded by mountains and rivers, facing the sun, lush trees, fertile land, open terrain, and military defense. There are more scattered in the mountains, and the half mountains and river valleys live in more. A bloody family branch lives together to form a natural village. There are several households, as many as dozens of households.
    In in the Yi society, a monogamous system that is adapted to the patriarchal family is the leading marriage form. In the past Liangshan, except for the children of the West and some Aga, the general men and women were selected by their father on their childhood or childhood. Wedding after a certain period of time.

    Reference materials: Yi-Baidu Encyclopedia

  2. canadian fashion jewelry wholesalers The taboos of the Yi people
    The taboo women over the age of seventeen years old in the Yi District of Liangshan go upstairs. The daughter -in -law went to the main owner "Nimu" who took the upper right pot village. If there is any violation in the past, daughter -in -law.

  3. elegant costume jewelry wholesale The marriage form of the Yi nationality occupies a dominant position in a monogamy. In the Liangshan area of ​​the lives, the family members are marrying, grade in internal marriage, buying and selling marriage, and parental arranged marriage. They have always retained marriage customs such as priority marriage, unmarried aunts, and not losing their husbands. Marriage has no age limit, prevailing early marriage.
    The "torch festival" is the most common and solemn traditional festival in the Yi region. Generally, it is mostly on June 24 or 25 days in the summer calendar. Regarding the source of this ancient festival, there are different legends in different regions. One of the more common legends is that there is a strong Streams Terbisbi in ancient times. He heard that there is a strong Etira Eight in the world. Wrestling with Attila Eight Competition.

    The result of Slum Abi lost. After playing the god of heaven, the god of God became angry and sent pests to the crop on earth. On June 24th, Attila called people called people to ignite pine branches. The torch was repeatedly repeatedly drove away the pests and defeated the god of heaven. To commemorate the victory over the gods, every year to this day, we must celebrate the fire. Every time the torch festival, the Yi men and women, the young and old, wearing festive dressing, playing the sacrifice of the livestock, dancing and singing, horse racing, and wrestling. At night, holding a torch, turning around the house and the field, and then gathered together to burn the bonfire and dance.

    "The Year of the Yi" (called "Winter Moon" in some Yi regions in northeast Yunnan, Liangshan, which is "October"), is also a major traditional national festival in Yi. A long time ago, the Yi people calendar for ten months. The traditional Chinese New Year date is different from the Han nationality. Later, due to the influence of the Han nationality, most of the Yi people used the lunar calendar (summer calendar). , Dian, Liangshan, and some Yi lives in northeast Yunnan, have kept their traditional New Year's festivals.

    It, there are also some festivals such as the "worship of the owner" of the Yi people in Dali District, Yunnan, Luonan, Maitreya's "Miram Festival" and "Yangmei Festival" and "Jumping Song Festival" in other regions , "Harvest Festival", "Tang Niu Festival" and so on.

  4. wholesale drop ship personalized jewelry The taboos of the Yi people
    The taboo women over the age of seventeen years old in the Yi District of Liangshan go upstairs. The daughter -in -law went to the main owner "Nimu" who took the upper right pot village. In the past, if there was any violation, the daughter -in -law returned to her mother's house, and the maid's family would withdraw money and compensate for the losing money. When the new house was completed and moved in, the male owner was not in front of the male owner, otherwise it would not be good for the development of the family. Yunnan Weishan Yi District banned whistle at home, singing mountain songs, speaking rough words; machinery entered the house and kitchen for no machines such as sticks, ropes, swords and guns.
    The home site selection of the Yi people's house sites and the beautiful places of the mountains and the water. After the site selection, the dwelling house, Liangshan Yi Bu Zhaotu method includes rolling, Limi, and sheep scapula. Roll the egg, take a egg and roll on the homestead, and then set up a pot of three stones to cook the eggs. After cooking, the egg shells are peeled and the eggs are positive or biased. It is auspicious. Lice, hold five rice with your hands, and then stand in the soil in the middle of the southeast and northwest in the middle of the southeast and northwest. The next day, if the rice grains are lost and dumped, the site is not good, and the site is selected. Burning the sheep's blade, you need to ask the wizard to do this, that is, put the fire grass on the scapula of the sheep, and see the cracks burned on the blade. The cross line is not good. These are gradually eliminated with superstition. The location of the back door faces the east of the general gate, facing the slope. Avoid the door to bald mountains; there is water after the restraint, otherwise it will be easy to get floods and endanger the house. ?

    The characteristics of the village: The Liangshan Yi nationality is a agricultural and animal husbandry and operating type. Historically, due to the often invaded by other nations and the frequent fighting fights, the villages mostly choose to be in high mountains or high mountains or high mountains or high mountains or high mountains. On the slope, or the Xiangyang hillside near the river valley. In this way, there are dangerous can be guarded, there are roads to go, and they can be far -sighted. There are terraces in front of you, and there are pastoral land in the back. This is the ideal place of the Yi people. Generally, there are more scattered in the mountains, and the Pingba Valley area lives more.

    The marriage of the Yi nationality

    Prior to 1949, due to the different distribution areas and branches of the Yi people, the differences in social and economic forms in various places in various places are also prominent Essence Specific performance:
    (1) a monogamy.

    In in the Yi society, a monogamous system that is adapted to the patriarchal family is the dominant marriage form. In the past Liangshan, except for the children of the West and some Aga, the general men and women were selected by their father on their childhood or childhood. Wedding after a certain period of time. After marriage, except for the younger son, they all separated from their parents and set up the portal to form a monogamy family. If the man is still young after marriage, the bride will return to his mother's house, and wait for his husband to build a family after adulthood. As for Aga and Xunxi, after being married by the master, or obtaining the master's consent to get married, he still adopts the form of a monogamy. In the past, some aristocratic rulers and rich men had polygamy. Generally, their wives were separated from different places. Although the first wife among the wife had a high status at home, there was no power to manage and control other wives. However, when you marry, you must obtain the consent of the first wife in advance, and make a wine and a cattle banquet to ask the relatives and friends of the mother's family. ?

    The Sichuan, Yunnan, Dian, Liangshan Yi people implement "marriage internal marriage", "hierarchical marriage", "family branch marriage", "transferred house system", "aunts are not married", "aunt watch watch Priority marriage. "Marriage in the same family" means that both the spouse must be the Yi nationality, and the marriage with other ethnic groups is prohibited. "Internal marriage", "Black Yi must be married to Hei Yi, and it is strictly forbidden to marry men and women from black Yi and other levels. For example, when the black Yi women and other men have a relationship, both sides must be executed; When there is a relationship with other women, men have to be expelled or executed, and women will be executed. The occurrence of gender relations is considered incest, and both parties will be executed according to the habit. The "transfer system", that is, after the death of a married woman husband, is still in the age of childbirth and must be transferred to another man among the husband's close relatives. The order of the order is that you do n’t have the appropriate candidates among the flat generations, in order and the juniors or elders. Except for the unlike to transfer to the biological son and aunts, the rest are unlimited. The aunt's brothers and sisters marry each other, and the auntie brothers and sisters are like siblings. They can neither marry nor have extramarital sexual relationships. Otherwise, they will be regarded as incest and execute them according to the method of habit. The right to prioritize marriage and customary law stipulates that the aunt's daughter is born to the daughter -in -law of the uncle. The aunt's daughter must first ask the family to hire. The daughter of the family also has the above obligation to the aunt.

    The feudal wedding system for Yunnan, Guizhou, Gui and Yi people. The marriage is included in the parents. , Select a good day during the marriage.

    (2) The marriage and divorce of the marriage and marriage system in Yongsheng County, Yunnan Yongsheng County, Yunnan, is very free. The male companion who came from time to time live together at night, and the children born to be home. Especially women's pre -marital sex life is free, and usually goes to the public house commonly known as "sheds" in adulthood, and often live in one of them for several years. Therefore, the bride with the child's marriage is also allowed to be allowed.?

    (3) Yunnan Maitreya "Axian" Yi free love. "Or" public housing ", there is no parent for marriage, and there is no need to hire a gift. When the daughter led the man home, he knew who the son -in -law was.

    In 1949, the socialist marriage law was generally implemented in the Yi region and abolished the abolition The marriage system that does not meet the socialist.

    The language of the Yi nationality:

    The Yi crafts mainly include color lacquer painting, embroidery, stickers, and casting. Bowls, plates, pots, cups, armor, wrist care, shields, arrows, saddles, horse cages, moon piano, oral strings, etc. are mainly black, red, and yellow. Women are good at good, often embroidery (or stickers) on wiping Elva, headpan, sleeve, collar, clothing big placket, trousers, hanging bands, smoke purse, belt, etc. Red, yellow, green, blue and other high -purity flower lines. Patters of colorful paint painting, embroidery, and flower lace include day, month, rainbow, The clouds such as the clouds are pictures; there are pictures of mountains and rivers such as water ripples and mountains; some parts of animals such as chicken crown, beef eyes, cattle and sheep, and pig teeth are used as the picture; there are flowers, leaves, branches, etc. A part of the plant is a picture and a picture of rope pattern, braid pattern, and block shape. Various patterns are closely linked to real life, rich and colorful, rich in national and local colors.
    The dance of the Yi nationality:

    The folk songs and dances of the Yi people can be divided into the following:
    Foot dances, "jumping songs", "falling legs", "jumping moon" (that is, "jumping music") and other circle dances are popular in the junction of Liangshan, Western and Sichuan Province in the west of Yunnan Province, Yi people in southwestern Yunnan Province, and neighboring Among the other ethnic minorities. The entertaining dance "Playing Songs" is very similar to the Han nationality

    It is now in Wenchang Pavilion in Weibao Mountain, Weishan County, Yunnan Province. Whenever the holiday and festiveness, people are encirclement, singing and dancing or dancing with music.

    "Jump String": Because the dancer holds the "cigarette box" and dances while dancing, it is also called "Tobacco Box Dance". "Tobacco Dance" is popular in the residential area of ​​the Yi people in the central and southern Honghe, Shiping, Jianshui and other places in the central and south of Yunnan Province. Dance is divided into two categories: "sine" and "miscellaneous string". The "sine" is integrated with entertainment dance and acting dance. The main traditional paragraphs include "Dumb Cutting Chai" and "Pigeon Food". "Miscellaneous" is further developed on the basis of "sine". It is a sketch of singing and dancing with storytelling and storyline. Among them, more than a hundred representative programs such as "Dumb Touch Fish" and "Boy Worship Guanyin". The mantra of "people who do not jump, for decades" circulating in the local area can illustrate the important position of "Jumping Strings" in people's lives and minds.

    "Luo Zuo": Also known as "Luoso", it is another circle dance among the Yi branch of the Yi people in the south bank of the Red River in Yunnan Province. The tune is jumping and jumping, the rhythm is clear and strong, accompanied by the dance moves such as quickly swinging hands, wrong steps, and stepping on their feet, which are particularly loved by young people.

    "Jump Three Strings": Also known as "Three Strings" and "Jump Moon", it is a self -entertainment dance loved by the Yi branch of the Axian and Sannan in the central part of Yunnan Province. The "Jump Sanxian" under the accompaniment of the bamboo flute with different sounds and high, medium, and low tones is an indispensable dance of the "Fire Strings".

    "Pixeling Dance": It is a unique form of dance in the Yi people in Liangshan District, Sichuan Province. The dancer uses a felt as a prop, and imitates the gesture of eagle and bear through the stretching, gathered, swinging, and the body of his arms. The dance has become the representative performance dance of the Yi people.

    It the above five types of Yi folk dances. The mood of simulated animals sees the original and ancient dancing posture that reflects people's labor. The first four types of dances originated from the ancient life of the Yi people. The fifth type of dance of imitating eagles and bear may be closely related to the ancient gods and totems of the Yi people. This type of animal simulation dance has beautiful and elegant movements. In the long -term historical process, it is gradually separated from the sacrifice ceremony, and the aesthetic consciousness of each era is continuously added, making it a performance dance for people today.
    During the celebration of the Yi people, we can also see the dance forms of the Central Plains culture "Bamboo Horse" and "Still". The "stilts" of modern Yi people have reserved and developed its acrobatics characteristics, which far exceeds the height of the Han nationality, but failed to accept the dance skills of the Han "Still".

    Is when the Yi people worship their ancestors and pray for a bumper harvest, we can also see "Kim Drum", "Bronze Instead", "Sheepskin Envoy" and so on. These dances were performed by the wizard "Bimo" and "Su Ye". While drumming, they used to swing their shoulders, chests, and cents as their main dances. In addition, in dances such as "Jumping Palace" and "Jumping Keta" performed in the "Jumping Palace Festival", the traces of ancient hunting and tribal wars were still retained, and the sacrifice ritual and dance scene of the warrior's conquest, combat, victory triumph To show the nostalgia and praise of ancient heroes. This kind of dance of people holding equipment is roughly the same as the "armor dance" of the Qiang nationality.

    The famous dance "Red Pseudo -felt", "Axy Jumping Moon", "Happy Nuosu" and so on. The art of the Yi people's lively life was expressed with the jumping and jubilant melody.

    The diet of the Yi nationality:

    This is widely distributed in the Yi people. Due to the differences in geological, climate, and rainfall in different regions, there are differences in crop type and output. Therefore, the diverse characteristics of the Yi people in various places have also been formed.
    1. Stadium. Mainly corn, potato, and buckwheat, in addition to oats, barley, wheat, and beans, some dam areas are mainly consumed rice. The method of food is generally made into various foods and other foods, and sometimes cook or stir -fry. Liangshan Yi people kneading buckwheat into cakes and cooking in boiling water; potato is cooked or boiled; oats are fried and grinded into flour to eat; rice is steamed with mules.

    . Renewal. Vegetables include radish, Yuanen, cabbage, greens, cauliflower, kale, leek, bracken, green onion, ginger, etc. There are different ways to cook, stir -fry, stew, and pickle. Meats are mainly eating beef, sheep, pigs, and chicken. Food method is more common in boiling and marinating. The flavor of the Liangshan Yi people and the raw meat of the Sami Yi people have liver. The method of the meat is to use a mountain pig of about 30 pounds, remove hair and internal organs. After washing, cut into fist -sized pieces, cook them in a pan, remove them, and eat salt and peppercorns. The method of raw pork raw liver is to cut the pig's foot skin and cut it, chop the pork liver, add soy sauce, vinegar, green onion, and spicy seeds.

    . Wine. The Yi people love to drink white wine. Generally, it is made from sorghum, corn, buckwheat and other miscellaneous grains. It is called "altar wine", "turning wine", soaking water wine, and vanan wine with different production methods or drinking methods. , Water wine, paddling wine, etc. The altar wine is made in the altar. Dip the mud at the mouth of the altar during drinking, add cold boiling water, and insert the bow -shaped bamboo tube or wooden pipe sucking drink after several hours of drinking. Rotating wine is a way of drinking for the Yishan Yi nationality. Sitting on the ground in a group of men and women, a bowl of white wine was passed on from right to left with a second pass, and each bite was ritual with the left hand to wipe the bowls along the bowl. Water wine is made in a barrel. When drinking, pour water from the barrel, flow out of the small hole of the barrel, and drink water while drinking. .. Tea. Yunnan and Guizhou Yi people are used to drinking tea, and they also grow tea themselves. Yunnan Wuliang Mountain, Ai Jian Mountain, Lancang River, and the Heihui River soil are acidic, moist and fog, which is conducive to the growth of tea. The green hair tea produced is very beautiful, the strips are tight, the fragrance is mellow, and the aftertaste is endless. Qingmao Tea was planted as early as the Tang Dynasty. Smoke. Liangshan Yi people like orchid smoke. Generally, small pieces of land beside the house are planted by the house. In February, it was planted, and in May, it was divided into seedlings. It was harvested in July. Essence When sucking, put the tobacco leaves in the palm of the palm, rub it into thin bottom, and put it in the pipe. Yunnan and Guizhou Yi people like leaf smoke.

    . Food tools. Most of Liangshan Yius's utensils are forestry and leather lacquerware. They are unique in shape and beautiful and durable. They use black as the background color and use red and yellow colors to depict various patterns. Commonly used are wooden plates, wooden bowls, wooden spoons, wooden helmets, wooden bowls, leather bowls, meat plates, lunch boxes, etc. There are two types of wooden plates and low -legged. The wooden bowl is a convergence, with a lid and a drum belly. The wooden spoon is used for soup and rice. The spoon is oval, and the spoon is slender. It is commonly known as "Beach". The feeding is slightly moved, and the spoon is not sticky. The leather bowl is light and durable, stirring buckwheat noodles, rap and other cold consumption.

    7. wine set. The wine glasses include eagle claw cups, horn cups, horns cups, geese claw cups, trotters cups, wooden wine glasses, leather wine glasses, etc.; The jugs include round pots, flat round pots, pigeon -shaped pots, etc. The pot is composed of three parts: the head, abdomen, and foot. There is a small bamboo tube in the center of the foot. A thin bamboo tube is inserted by the upper end of the abdomen to suck the wine. The shape is beautiful and unique. Wine utensils include wooden paint, silver, keratin, leather, etc. ?

    The holiday:

    The traditional festival of the Yi nationality is very rich. According to the nature of the festival, it can be divided into productive festivals, social amusement festivals, commemorative festivals, celebration sex Five categories of festivals and sacrifice festivals. Each category includes 5-10 festivals. For the purpose of developing and promoting production, there is a shearing of wool festivals (popular Daliangshan, generally in the middle of June of the lunar calendar), medicine collection festival (popular Yunnan Xiaoliangshan, early May of the lunar calendar, mainly using medicinal materials) The Heijing Lantern Festival (popular in Kurui, Mu Ding County, Yunnan, the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar each year, mainly to pray for more salt), the year of sheep (Yunnan Mu Ding every year on New Year's Eve and the first day of the year to eat the year of the sheep, stick the couplet) , Babu Ji (popular in the east and west mountains of Heqing County, Yunnan, the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar every year, mainly to celebrate and hopes for hunting and harvest), Song Niu Festival (the Yi people in the northwest mountains in the Northwest of Yunnan) The Yi language is the traditional festival of He Niu Shen, the Yi tribe is a black -speaking festival, which is held on the seventh day of July of the lunar calendar every year) and the Mountain Festival (popular in the Longlin Yi nationality in Guangxi, the third and fourth day of the third day of March of the lunar calendar); For example, social amusement festivals for the purpose of singing and dancing, entertainment, and assembly are the purpose of social amusement festivals. People are held in March of the lunar calendar every year, and their lover gives gifts with each other), Girls' Day (the first day after the Spring Festival after the Spring Festival of Jinping Yi, Yunnan, to show his youth and beauty on the street), Horse Racing Festival (Guizhou Weining, every year, every year The fifth day of the lunar calendar), the presence (Yunnan Yongren and other counties, each year's fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the Yi girls in the first fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, more beautiful than trying who trial), Ganhua Street (Yunnan Eshan, Xinping, Shuangbai three counties junction of the Yi people of the three counties Two Laisu people are held twice on June 24 and July 15th of the lunar calendar. , People gathered to dance next to the bonfire), set up the Qing Festival (the Yi Women's Women's Women's Women in Baishui District, Qujing City. , Taste the food until the bright moon did not leave each other), opened the new festival (the first rush day after the first day of the lunar month of the Eshan Yi nationality in Yunnan, the spring farming will be spring after the festival), the worship aunt festival (Yunnan Eshan area area, the area of ​​Eshan, Yunnan, On the second day of the first month of the Yi people, the village is based on the village, and the girls who marry within 3 to 5 years will receive the village to worship with my aunt) and the Bull Fighting Festival (the Yi people in the lunar calendar on June 1 each year); National heroes, commemorating a historical event as the main content of commemorative festivals include flower arrangement festivals (Yunnan Chuxiong Yi nationality is held on the eighth day of February of each year, in commemorating the legend, the female heroine Mi Yilu, who is a female hero who eliminates the violence), and the clothing festival (Yunnan Da Yao The Santai Mountain Yi nationality of the county is held in the lunar calendar each year to commemorate the superficial female clothing artist Amii and February 8th (each year of the eighth day of the lunar calendar. ) And Mu Ding March (Yunnan Chuxiong Yi nationality is held on March 24 of the lunar calendar each year, with a holiday of 3-5 days to commemorate the victory of the legendary uniform dragon); There are Yi New Year, Elderly Festival, New Festival, Xinmi Festival, Saushu Bi Festival, etc. The fierce sacrifice festivals include torch festivals, dense branches, sacrifice festivals and jumping public festivals. Among them, the year of the Yi and Torch Festival is the most general and grand festival of the Yi people.
    (1) The year of the Yi

    Thei is called "Ku History", which is a traditional festival of the Yi people of the Liangshan. Before the Yi New Year, people had been fighting the New Year, preparing the New Year's food, and carefully urging the New Year's pigs. Three days of the New Year, the first day: "Lighting fireworks", informing the ancestor of the ancestor in the morning with the green smoke in the morning, the ancestral spirit crossed the festival with his future generations; Surrounding the pig killing expert "Weng Seergug" to slaughter the year to kill the year, the order of killing pigs is determined by the height of the village generation; From the male owner to the ancestors above the fire pond. Since then, everyone has dinner and the sun. Day 2: The children played the "Wengsinu" game. The young men and women gathered together in dresses, accompanied by string string, Yueqin, Hu Qin, and danced to make entertainment activities such as horse racing, swinging, squatting, and wrestling. The middle -aged man's group team went to each family to congratulate each other, and women stayed at home to entertain guests. Day 3: "Send ancestors", people get up early, hot meals to send their ancestors to return to their ancestors, and prepare the need to get wrapped and dry food on the way for their ancestors. Lingma. When sending the ancestor, the male host prayed to the ancestral spirit to bless the family's peace, grain Fengdeng, and six animal development in the coming year.

    (2) Fire handle festivals

    The Yi people of Sichuan and Yunnan are generally held a few days around the sixth day of the lunar calendar, while the Yizhou Yi nationality was held around the sixth day of the lunar calendar. The sacrifice of the gods and sacrifices, praying for the year of bumper harvest, and sending Chong Chongxie is an important folk content of the festival. During the festival, some Yi districts want to kill pigs to kill the cattle and sacrifice gods in the village. In some places, every Yi family must hold the chicken to the field to sacrifice the grandmother. On the day of the Liangshan Yi Terrace Festival, all people outside had to rush home for a reunion meal, kill chickens and ancestors before meals, and held a ignition ceremony after meals. The torch made from the owner of the bitter bitterness was ignited, and every corner of the house was illuminated from the top of the house. The circle and the sheep rivers are finally ranked among the torch festivals in the village to play torch by the village's head village and field slope. It is said that the torch can extinguish the pests of insects, and some say that they can drive disasters and disaster. Today, the content of the torch festival is more abundant. There are various entertainment activities such as bullfighting, wrestling, horse race, beauty selection, singing, dance, archery, Mo Erqiu and other entertainment activities. Some places also conduct commercial trade activities. ?

    The clothing of Yi people:

    The Yi clothing varies from place to place, and the distribution of dialects is basically the same. Different dialect areas have different specialties. For this reason, there are six types:
    (1) Liangshan -type clothing is mainly popular in Liangshan in Sichuan and Yunnan. The man's head was stood up, called "Zil", which was called "heavenly Bodhisattva", and was packed with a few feet of black or dark blue Bopa. Outside, it is called "Zizai", which is called "hero knot". The cuffs and plackets are embedded with different colors of cloth, or inlaid with five -colored cotton cloth, which is long than the waist. The pants are sewn with sea blue cotton cloth. The trousers are different in the area. They are large and small, and they can reach 170 cm. They often hang the trousers on the waist. The narrow footboard can only be stretched in. Adult men wearing silver wire inlaid earrings or corals and amber dises in the left ear, and the beads are decorated with red silk thread ears. The woman is wearing a border or embroidered right -handed shirt. The neckline, cuffs, placket edges, and hem edges are inlaid with blue, red, and white waiting for cloth strips, or weave various patterns with color silk threads. There are square silver medals in the button in the middle of the collar, or the collar is inlaid with a small silver nail. The skirts are squeezed with red, yellow, blue, white and other colorful cotton or wool cloth. Unmarried women wearing two small skirts, holding a dress change ceremony after adulthood, called "Salale", replaced with three skirts, and then entering the marriage period. The young woman may fold to fold into a tile headpan with cyan or black cloth without the fertility. Middle and elderly women wrap their heads or ruffle hats with black head Pa. Wear silver bracelets, silver rings; ear -shaped in the ear, round star trendy earrings; waist triangle purse, decorated with five -colored ribbon; chest bodies, syringes, 獐 teeth, etc. The Yi men and women are woven woven woven woven in the year, called "wipe the ear tile", which can protect the cold when it is cold. It can be covered when the eyes can be covered. The decoration process of clothing is called "making flowers", which are roughly: picking flowers, flowers, flowers, locking flowers, pan flowers, rolling flowers, supplement flowers, embroidery, etc. The patterns include wave pattern, chicken crown pattern, beef eyes, star pattern, etc.

    (2) Representatives of southeast of Yunnan Dianyani and Axian Yi clothing. The elderly men in the Si Ni Yi people like to wear green cloth Baotou and wearing wide crotch pants. The young man likes to wear a pair -style sleeveless short gown sewn with hemp cloth, embroidered with pattern patterns, and bonded with blue or other color cloth. Women love flower Baotou, elderly women are mostly red and black, and young women use a variety of colors. The edge of the Baotou is inlaid with the silver "Casma", and the top ears at the top are decorated with a pair of "color butterflies". A bunch of beads are hung at the back, drooping to the front chest, shining dazzling, and a crispy and pleasant sound when walking. The coat is slightly over the knee, most of which are blue and white, with flowers embroidered with sleeves, necklines and corners, snow -white thin wool with a black cloth substrate, the cloth strap stuck on the chest, a black background embroidery on the waist Wearing a colorful pattern on the waist, wearing blue and black trousers, embroidered cloth shoes, and shoulder cloth bag. Axie Yi men's costumes are similar to the Sani Yi man. Women's two braids are wrapped in their heads, and their heads are "Ludu" colorful Baotou. "Lutu" is a kind of grass that grows on Takayama Rockhead. Wearing blue and white or cyan cloth tight sleeves, the upper half of the sleeves are mostly used in green cloth, and the second half is lined with another color cloth. Wearing five -light cloth and tight pants. Wearing bracelets and earrings. Back on the back of the grass.

    (3) Men in southern Yunnan -type clothing in a pair of plackets. Collar gown. Put on wide crotch pants. The woman wears a silver bubble inlaid with a chicken crown hat, wearing a right -handed grysta, with a sting and tail. The edge of the puppet is tied around, and the tail is usually stunned between the belt. With big tube pants, the waist tied with the back of the waist. Put your feet to tip -tip embroidered shoes. Posal silver earrings, silver bracelets, silver bells and silver bubbles in front of the placket, waist, and hips.

    (4) Men in western Yunnan -type clothing men are wearing black or blue collarless plackets, and some plus suede collar gowns. Bottom of wide crotch pants, wrapped in green baba, or wearing a small hat. The woman's head is dotted with a small red cricket, and the embroidered "fishtail hat" embroidered with small silver beads, leaving a small braid behind her head. Wearing a round neck coat in front and back, the coat is dark shoulders, and the waist is a green cloth surrounded by waist. There are green or blue pants, and feet wearing a head -shaped embroidered shoes. Practice big flowers, mules, pins, earrings, rings, bracelets, three beards and other accessories. Men, women, and children have no fastening sheep leather gowns.

    . The woman is wearing a light -colored and short shirt, and the coat is black. Put on trousers. Make your chest surrounding the waist. The head is wrapped in a green scarf, and some areas wearing embroidered hats, such as parcel hats, butterfly hats, cherry blossom hats, etc.

    (6) In the northwest of Guizhou, the elderly men's heads are green and white Pa, wearing a gown, a green belt, and wearing wide pants tube lanterns, commonly known as "eight trousers". The young man wore a pair of short shirts and tied a big white belt. Women's head is wrapped in black, white -headed, wearing green and blue tops, with embroidery patterns of necklines, cuffs, plackets, and hems. Gao Nail "Grapho Shoes".

    Popularity and distribution:

    The population of the Yi people. According to the 1990 national census, a total of 6572,133 people, the population among the ethnic minorities in my country is second only to strong, full, back, Uyghur ethnic groups , Fifth place. It is mainly distributed in the northwest of Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou Province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In the form of large scattered and small settlements, they live in the Dadu River Basin in the north, the south to the state of Yunnan, and the vast area from the Wuliang River and the west. The main settlement areas are Sichuan Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Chuxiong and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Bijie District and Liupanshui area.

    Geographical environment:

    The Yi people mainly live on 22-29 north latitude, about 500,000 square kilometers of land between the north latitude and 98-106 Southeast edge. In this area, the peaks, the depth of the canyon, the magnificent terrain, and the magnificent momentum. , Purdue River, Xixi River, Meigu River, Anning River, Hoi Tong River hovering in the valley; many large and small lakes such as Dianchi, Erhai, Caohai, Lahai, and Mahu are scattered on the plateau. The climate is mild and the rainfall is abundant. The annual temperature is between 10 ° C and 20 ° C, and the annual rainfall is 700 to 1000 mm. Countless hills, mountains, dams, valleys, and lakes contain metal mines such as iron, copper, zinc, aluminum, gold, silver, tin, manganese, nickel, lead, mercury and other metal ores and coal, phosphorus, cloud mother, gypsum, asbestos , Crystal, borax, male yellow, peat, silicon soil, refractory sand and other non -metal mines; crops such as corn, rice, wheat, buckwheats, oats, potatoes and other crops; Crops; there are woods such as Yunnan pine, Huashan pine, fir, spruce, iron fir, birch, camphor, and nanmu. Fritillaria, Sanqi, Gastrodia, Mu Xiang, Codonopsis, Poria, Snow lotus and other medicinal materials; there are livestock such as cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, etc.; Treasure beast. The people of the Yi people worked and lived on this land for generations, creating a splendid Yi culture.
    The funeral of the Yi nationality:

    The Yi nationality has a wide range of branches and has a wide distribution, and the geographical environment is different. Therefore, funeral customs and even rituals are different in Yi districts in various places. From funeral form to funeral procedures, local differences and branch characteristics are obvious.
    If in the form of funerals, there was cremation in the history of Yi people. It was changed to coffin burial in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, the Yi people also have tree burial, pottery burial, rock burial, water burial, heaven, etc.

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