canvas jewelry wholesale login What does the ISA interface mean?

canvas jewelry wholesale login

2 thoughts on “canvas jewelry wholesale login What does the ISA interface mean?”

  1. hamsa hand jewelry wholesale ISA is the reduction of Instry Standard, and the slot is as described below. The migrant translation is: the overall architecture of industrial standards. It is the bus standard set by IBM in the early period of PC, because this is also called the AT standard. It is a 16 -bit overall architecture and only supports 16 -bit I/O facilities. The numerical preaching rate of ISA is only 8MB/s, the supreme only 16MB/s, and the office frequency is 8MHz.

  2. joa wholesale jewelry Yes, there are, looking for on Taobao, the price is too high, it may be because it belongs to the patented product developed by personal development, so the price is expensive, five or six hundred yuan.

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