cheap wholesale jewelry reviews Five elements beside the golden election of gold

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  1. jewelry plastic pouches wholesale If the baby is lacking in the five elements, the parents must think of what words they want when they get a name for their babies. Below I have compiled the words of the five elements of the gold next to the gold, I hope to help you!

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    The meaning and explanation of the gold

    锗、钤、锟、钆、钰、锆rn 铊、锑、钫、锏、钔、锂、镵、铉、铹、锖、锴、钏、钷、铘、镳rn 铵、钽, chromium, 钶, 铬, 铴, 铫, 锩, 锷, 锷, 镚, 镱, sodium, cadmium, calcium
    , Zhao, 铋, milling, 锃, 铍
    锸, potassium, radium, 钍, 钎, 镎, 钲, zinc, 镩, 镤, 铨, tungsten,
    锶, 锿, 锿, 锿, 锿, 锿, Anchor, 镪, 镗, 镗, 锎, platinum, 钸, uranium, 铟, 锼, 锞, 锘 r ​​ n 铥, 铒, 钯, 锪, 镡, 铳, 镨, 钜, 钜, 钜, 钜、,, Molybdenum, 镒,
    锔, 镅, 铧, 钌, 镈, 锝, 锊, 钭, 镥, 镕, 镣, sheet, 钇
    镢, 镢, 镆, 钒, pound, pound, 镲, 铯, 锬, 镦, 锓, 锓, 钡
    锉, 铑, 钕, nickel, handcuffs, bonds, wrong, money, shop, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, , Diamond, silver, front, clock
    , bells, copper, lead, mirror, mirror, hoe, needle, pot, Ming, Qin, gongs, nails, keys, steel, lock n towns, fishing, shovel shovel , Niu, Jin, iron, sales, sawing, sharpness, chain, hammer, plating, obtic, 锹, cast n inlaid, banknote, tin, 铿, 锵, Jun, forge Rust,, cone, pliers
    lax, manga, manganese, dart, sickle, hinge, hinge, rivet, 钹, armor, bowl, soda, bracelet

    The names of the gold beside the red柏 柏 冬 冬 铇 铈 钸 铇 铇 East
    奥 宸 奋 奋 铈 铈 铈 铈 铇 铇 铇 铈 宸 宸 宸
    Tiecheng 铈 铇 铇 铈铇 铈铇 铈铇 铈 铈 铈 铈 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁
    Dongzhang Fenfang 铄 钲 钲 钺 钺 宸 宸 铉 铉Leading
    钷 铍 铍 铌 铌 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 钿 宸 宸 钹 钹 钹
    Castle Castle City Tongcheng Piece City Lead City
    铇 铇 铇 铇 uranium 铇钽 钺铇 铇钽 铊铇 铊铇 铇 lead
    铈 铇 铈 铈 铈 铈 铈 铈 铈 铈钲铈 铈 铈 uranium 铈 铈

    铈钹铈 铈钹铈 铈钹铈 铈钹铈 铈钹铈 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 锋 锋 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 钱 n Ling Duo Ling Jinshi Jinhong
    Jinhong Jinshan Jinnuojin City Jinguang Jinbi Jinming Jinhui Jinhui Xinmiao Xin Cun
    Huai Ming Ming Mingzhi
    铮 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 锋 锋 怀 怀 曦 怀 怀 怀 怀 Ze Ruizhi Rui Zhi
    锆 锆 锆 锆

    of the meaning of gold and explanation gold (name ". Golden text. From people (indicating cover), from the soil, from the second. From "soil", it means hidden underground; from "two", it means minerals hidden underground. Original meaning: metal) The general name of metal or total metal name [metal] gold, five -color gold. Huang is long. It is not light for a long time, and it is not light. It does not violate the revolution. Note: Xiangjin is in the shape of the soil. —— "Said the text" in the southwest of the southwest, there are Huashan golden stone. —— "Eria Earth" is tied to Jinyu. —— "Yi · Jealous" is only Jin Sanpin. - "Book of Yugong". Note: "Three colors of copper." ——Tang Li Chaowei's "Liu Yi Biography" is: hardware (referring to gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, generally referring to metal); platinum (platinum generally referred to as silver); golden back (mirror); golden key (key (key (mirror); Gate sales or metal door rings, door crickets); gold lotus (lotus leaf -shaped tablet); golden shops (the decorations such as tiger heads such as tiger heads on the door of the door are also referred to the door ring); (Metal wine glass) Metal products can be referred to as gold [Metal Ware] swords, swords, arrows and other weapons gold. —— "Xunzi · persuasion" is also: Jinwu (copper -made ceremonies in hand); Jin Ge; golden wings (warship name); golden 猊 (cast into a cricket -shaped incense burner with metal); Name); Jinchuang, gold injury (scars created by weapons) torture. Such as: Jinyin (the word stabbed on the exile prisoner's face); tiger symbol. Such as: Jin Zi (the abbreviation of Jinyin Purple Seal used by the prime ministers of Qin Han Shi); Jin Jue (referring to the title of Jinyin Purple Seed); Jinhu Faculty (in ancient times to send troops); Jin Yan (Jinyin. In the blank), the plow head is five inches, and the second 耜 is coupled. —— "Zhou Li" 镯, bracelets such as makeup and jewelry, gold and silver. —— Song · Sima Guang's "Training Through the Kang" is also: Jinbuyao (women's jewelry name); golden powder (flower crickets and lead powder for women's makeup); name. Gold [GOLD] a very good yellow three -price and one -price metal element with a very good exist. The production status is mainly natural gold that exists independently, but it also exists in minority minerals such as tattoo gold and silver ore or leafy ore; Most chemicals have no effect on it, but when they encounter chlorine gas and king water, they will be eroded; they will add copper, silver, zinc, cadmium, cadmium, and other other for commercial applications (such as gold coins, jewelry, and golden teeth) to increase hardness or change colors. The metal melted into a alloy and obtained a deposit. —— "Hou Han Book · Lie Women" refers to Jin Yuye. Jade and golden. —— Ming Liu Ji "Selling Mattae" Jin Yuqi. Another example: Chijin (pure gold); Jinyuer (a kind of gardenia -like golden jewelry); golden guest (taboos of prostitutes); golden rope (golden line used in ancient seals); gold and silver (gold and silver (gold and silver (gold and silver (gold and silver (gold and silver (gold and silver Treasure) money; currency [Money] five hundred pounds of gold. —— "Warring States Policy · Qi Gui Fourth" Golden Gold. ——The Han Liu Xiang "Biography of Women" is thousands of gold. ——When Zhang Tingyu's "History of the Ming Dynasty" does not need to be gold. ——The Qing Shao Changzheng's "Remnant of Qingmen" is also: Jin Su (money and rice); golden punishment (penalties for money with money); gold selection (fine fines used in ancient times. ; Gold (Money and Fortune) The ancient army used to command stop or retreat or other metal products [Gong]. Such as: Mingjin's troops; golden sounds (stubbornness. Represents the meaning of troops); golden drums (golden 钲 and drum); golden (instrument name, bracelets and the like) copper [Copper]. Such as: Jin Duo (copper bell used in the ancient army); golden stems (copper columns. For the use of dew dishes); golden pots (ancient timers. Copper pot); Jinzhai (copper cast portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait portrait . Same as Jin Di, Tong Di) Moon [Moon]. Such as: Golden Chan (the alias of the moon); Golden Rabbit (Moonlight); Jin Bo (describing the moonlight floating. It also refers to the moonlight) sun [sun]. Such as: Golden Gong (metaphor of the sun); Jinyu (an appliance that uses the sun in ancient times); Jinye (Jinwu. Sun) mercury [Mercury]. Such as: Golden Mud (the ceremony of sealing Zen in ancient times. Mercury and gold powder as mud are used to seal the jade); Jin Dan (medicine made of gold and stone refined by Taoist priests) star name. Venus is referred to as [Venus] gold and water two stars, and the speed is not the same. —— "Sui Shu · Astronomy" dynasty name [Jin Dynasty]. From 1115 to 1234, the nine emperors were calendar and ruled northern China for 120 years. Founded by the leader of the Win Zhenyan Ministry of Wan Yan, Jiandu Huining (now A Chengnan, Heilongjiang Province), has moved to the capital (now Beijing), Kaifeng and other places. Essence The ancient monetary unit of Ankang County, Shaanxi Province, pleased ten gold. —— "Mozi · Gong Board" purchases a lot of money. —— Jin Ganbao's "Search God" is easy to write gold. —— Ming Liu Ji's "ion ion · Thousands of Miles" surnames Jin (shape "golden yellow, linen color, especially with fingers [GOLDEN] floating light jumping gold. —— Song Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower Ji" Qingxiang gold -wing. —— "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi · Promotion" is: Golden Elephant (Golden Book); golden (golden silk thread); golden beast (golden ring on the door ring); golden silkworm (golden silkworm); golden snake (golden snake (golden color (golden color) (golden snake) Snake); golden moth (golden moth -shaped pattern); golden phoenix (golden phoenix) metaphor for respect, valuable [; noble]. Such as: Wujin Mo Yu; Golden List staying name; Jinnuo (name for others who are trustworthy to others); Jin Yan (precious and heavy words; Buddha's teachings as Jin Yan); Jinjiao (metaphor deep friendship) Not broken or impeccable []. Such as: Golden Formation (strong soldier array); Jincheng; Jin Tang; Jindi (describing the consolidation of the embankment) metaphorical sound [Shows Voice is Nice] Rich and Noble. Such as: Golden Palace (gorgeous palace room); Emperor of the Jinye (extremely expensive), [Imperial] of the emperor. Such as: Golden Mink (the crown of the emperor after the Han emperor); the golden magpie (the book of the emperor)

    n ★ The five elements of gold with the gold beside the gold

    ★ Five elements of gold beside the gold
    ★ Five elements with gold are commonly used in gold
    ★ The characters of the gold
    ★ What are the Chinese characters with the golden? R n ★ The name of the golden character of the gold
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