jewelry display fixtures wholesale How can I sell jewelry and diamonds?

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  4. wholesale pearl jewelry fashion Diamond decoration method
    When purchasing diamond jewelry, many people know how to measure the quality of diamonds from 4C, 4C is the weight (CAT), CUT, color, and clarity. However, a bright diamond must be equipped with excellent inlaid technology in order to complement each other. In fact, a good mosaic method shows the brightest side of diamonds, conveying the most moving emotions of diamonds, and the following briefly introduces several current popular diamond setting methods.

    The pack of inlaid
    is below the metal side of the diamond with the metal side of the metal holder (frame), and the diamond is used to prevent the diamond from falling off with the solids of the precious metal. This is a relatively firm and traditional inlaying method. It fully shows the light of diamonds, light and restrained, and has a peaceful and dignified temperament. When buying a packet inlaid diamond, carefully observe that the tip of the diamond cannot expose the bracket, otherwise it will damage the skin or hit the diamond. If the back of the back is inlaid, there will be a small hole in the center to adjust the diamond surface. There should be no gap between the edge and the diamond, evenly smooth, smooth and smooth.

    This inlaid
    is a method of getting the groove on the precious metal bracket, and then clamping the diamond into the groove. The orbital inlaid method is suitable for diamonds of the same diameter. One by one is inlaid in the orbit one by one, and the diamonds are used to support the metal on both sides. This inlay method can make the surface of the decoration smooth. Nail inlaid is a small nail with tools directly on the edge of the metal material to fix the diamond. On the surface, no metal claws that are not fixed with diamonds are not visible. The tightly arranged diamonds are actually covered in the metal mortise. This inlay requires whether the size and height of the diamond should be consistent and the order arrangement of each diamond. Because there is no metal surround, diamonds can penetrate and reflect more sufficient light, highlighting the gorgeous light of diamond jewelry.

    The claw setting
    is to tightly hold the diamond with metal claws (columns). The biggest advantage is that the metal rarely blocks the diamond, clearly presents the beauty of the diamond, and the light is different from different light from different from different light from different from different from different from different from different from different from different from different. The angle incident and reflection make the diamond look bigger and brighter, and the light of the jump is undoubted. It makes up for the shortcomings of the packet inlaid and become a popular diamond jewelry style in the market. Claw sets can generally be divided into six claws, four -paw inlaid, and three -claws. The wedding rings are popular nowadays. The princess drill can be inlaid with four -claws. The claw inlaid requires the same size of the claws, uniform intervals, and the diamond countertop level and not tilted.

    The card inlaid
    The waist or waist and waist and bottom tip of the diamond with the tension of the metal is a more trendy style. Diamond exposure is more advanced than claws, so it is more conducive to flashing glory. In the past one or two years, the combination of the card inlaid and the claw inlaid has changed the endless style of diamond ornaments.

    This inlaid
    , also known as inlaid, is to inlay diamonds in a thick metal or large area. The pavilion of the diamond will not be exposed. Mosaic method. Because this inlaying method does not have claws, it seems smooth and clean, especially suitable for daily wearing decorations.
    The claw setting, bag inlaid, and inlay are the representatives of traditional crafts. After experiencing the evolution of the times, their style is subtle and stable without losing flexible changes. The vitality is strong, and it is still enduring for decades. The orbit inlaid and nail inlaid are mostly used for ductive or luxury dotted. Card inlaid is the representative of the current fashion craftsmanship. The designer is given life and has endless changes. It is a new pet that is currently popular.

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