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    n What is the world currency value rankings in the world?

    From: Internet Date: 2022-05-04

    coins in the world in the world: NO.1 Kuwait-Danar No.2 Barin-Danar NO .3 Oman -Lial No.4 Jordan -Danar No.5 UK -British NO.6 Cayman -Cayman NO.7 Euro Area -Euro NO.8 Switzerland -Swiss franc NO.9 U.S. -USD NO.10 Australia -Australian dollar prices in various countries in the world, the first origins of objects exchanged, and later metal coins, and then to the later period of banknote gold and silver coins to electronic coins. Generally, coins issued by the banks designated by the local government, countries around the world have their own characteristics. The expansion information Kuwait issued the 2nd and 10th anniversary of the victory of the victory of the Kuwait Liberation War in 1993 and 2001, respectively. The face value was 1 Nar, but both commemorative banknotes were not circulating banknotes and were not legal currencies. Mainly circulating in Kuwait. Kuwait, a full name Kuwait, is a monarchy country located in the northeast of the Arabian Peninsula and northwestern Persian Bay. In the south, it borders Saudi Arabia, north, and Iraq. The country's capital Kewei Special City is the same name as the country's name. Reference information Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Kaitita

    The world currency is a currency that plays a general equivalent role in international commodity circulation. World currency is developed and developed with the development and exchange of commodities. Under the standard of gold, gold plays the role of world currency. After the collapse of the golden -level system, the US dollar and the pound became the world currency. With the emergence of various currency groups and currency areas, the world's currency diversified. At present, it can act as the world's US dollar, euro, yen, euro. The reason why the dollar, euro, yen and other currencies can serve as world currencies are the full reflection of the strong economic strength of the United States, the European Union, the strong economic strength of Japan

    11 ounces of gold = 9808.5371 RMB 21 Kewaita Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na. Er = 21.9359 RMB 31 Maltea = 18.8753 RMB 41 Barinnal = 16.5109 RMB 51 Almanrias = 16.1675 RMB 61 Cyprus Plus = 13.8458 RMB 71 Lajialaz = 11.5583 RMB £ 10.2887 = 9.3668 yuan 101 Gibraltar pound = 9.3494 RMB 111, Jordan, Tenar = 8.7895 RMB 121 = 8.1116 RMB 131 Mannat = 7.934 RMB 141 Cayman Islands = 7.589 RMB 151 Swiss franc = 6.605 RMB 161 = 6.356 yuan = 6.2234 RMB 181 Bermuda = 6.223 RMB 191 Cuban peso = 6.223 RMB 201 U.S. dollars = 6.2228 RMB 211 = 6.069 RMB 221 New Zealand Yuan = 5.1288 RMB 231 Singapore = 5.0217 Pionee Cingers = 5.0173 = 4.9161 RMB 261 Persia-Hezorgovina Free Cash Calculating Currency = 4.1431 RMB 271 Mark = 4.143 RMB 281 Polaria Lever = 4.1425 RMB 291 Tunisa Lenar = 3.9174 RMB Georgeia Lory = 3.7613 Dutch Shield = 3.677 RMB 321. Add = 3.5888 RMB 331 Fiji = 3.5191 RMB 341 The Andreis Islands Shield = 3.4765 351 Arubaverlin = 3.4765 RMB 361 Turkish New Miles Paras = 3.1433 RMB 391 Bardos yuan = 3.1115 RMB 401 Belize yuan = 3.0807 RMB 411 Papua New Guineana = 2.9528 RMB 421 Peru New Sol = 2.3971 RMB 431 Lithuania Litte = 2.3462 RMB Green Nada East = 2.3048 Malaysia 451 Malaysia Lynch = 2.0097 RMB 461 Polish Ziri = 1.9581 RMB 471 Surinon = 1.8858 RMB 481 Romania New Line II = 1.8581 RMB 491 Katalria = 1.7092 RMB 501 EUM = 1.6943 RMB 511 New Sicker = 1.6717 RMB 521 Saudi Arabia Arabia = 1.6594 RMB 5 31 Sudan pound = 1.4095 RMB 541 Mark = 1.3628 RMB 551 Tagikistan Somoni = 1.3089 RMB 561 Martinik Farram = 1.2353 RMB 571 Argentine peso = 1.233 RMB 5869 591 Norwegian Kuron = 1.0813 RMB 601 Kaidi Kaidi Kaidi Kaidoland Na = 1.0666 RMB 611 = 1 RMB 621 Trinida Dabo Geng = 0.98 RMB 631 Swedish Crown = 0.9669 RMB 641 = 0.9233 RMB 651 Polivy = 0.8941 RMB 661 = 0.8774 RMB HK $ 0.8025 681 Guatema Lagga = 0.7935691 Macau = 0.779 RMB 701 Ukraine Herfomi = 0.7633 RMB 711 Botswanapla = 0.762 RMB 721 Morocoliham = 0.7275 RMB 731 = 0.7114 RMB 741 South Africa Rand = 0.6865 RMB 761 Swinland Gini = 0.6865 RMB 771 Ledoolotti = 0.6865 RMB 781 Austrian Age = 0.5889 RMB 791 Estonia Crune = 0.5179 RMB 801 Moldvalei = 0.5052 RMB 811 Seychelles Rupee = 0.5031 RMB 821 Mexico peso = 0.4878 RMB 831 Erritrianak Law = 0.408 RMB 841 Maldivia = 0.4041 RMB 851 Ethiopia Bill = 0.3378 RMB 861 peso = 0.3158158 RMB 881 0.3137 RMB 891 Slovakian = 0.269 RMB 901 Nicaraguokoba = 0.2559 RMB 911 = 0.2098 RMB 921 = 0.209 Russian rubles = 0.2025 RMB 951 Bargaret = 0.2016 RM 961 Monri Lisu Silus Silus Silus Bitama. 0.2009 RMB 981 Luxembourg = 0.2009 RMB 991 Gambiadrax = 0.1872 RMB 1001 Philippine Peso = 0.1529 RMB 1011 Dominica peso = 0.1522 RMB 1021 Haitid Guride = 0.1463 RMB 1033 RM = 0.133 RM RMB 1051 Afghanistan = 0.1177 RMB 1061 Indian rupee = 0.1133 RMB 1071 Bhutan Nuzam = 0.1133 RMB 1081 Syria pound = 0.088 RMB 1091 Libi Riyuan = 0.083 RMB 1101 Bangladesa = 0.0789 RMB 1111 Algeria Tenar = 0.0789 RMB 1121 Fede Horn Easto = 0.0732 RMB 1131 Pelvia Pilnear = 0.0727 RMB 1141 Pathum = 0.0725 RMB 1151 Nepalese Leripory = 0.0715 RMB 1161 French Pacific Farlang = 0.0679 RMB 1171 Wawua Tuwu = 0.066 RMB 1181 = 0.0665 RMB 1191 = 11 = 0.0653 RMB 1201 Angola Kuan = 0.0648 Pakistan Land = 0.0634 0.0579 RMB 1231 Iceland Kelang = 0.05 RMB 1241 Sri Lanku Line = 0.0488 RMB 1251 Anton Silver Coin = 0.0487 RMB 1261 Gana Islands Bittita = 0.0487 RMB 1271 Kazakhstan Ken Ge = 0.0413 1281 Portugal Eskado = 0.0404 RMB 1291 Nigeria Nira = 0.0394 RMB 1301 Djibing Tiro = 0.035 RMB 1311 Slovenia Trace = 0.0338 RMB 1321 = 0.0291 RMB 1333 0 0.029 RMB 13,275 RMB 0.0233 1361 Mauritania Ugia = 0.0211 RMB 1371 Komoro Farah = 0.0165 RMB 1381 Malavicvaccha = 0.0163 RMB 1391 A Monsia Playing Orchids = 0.0151 RMB 1401 Chile Peso = 0.0131 1411 Costa Richam = 0.0124 RMB 1421 Communist franc = 0.0123 RMB 1431 Western African Frang = 0.0123 RMB 1441 Rwanda Falang = 0.0098 RMB 1451 = 0.0072 RMB 1461 North Korea Yuan = 0.0069 RMB 1471 Fazuro = 0.0068 won = 0.0057 RMB 153 Mongolia Tigrik = 0.0044 RMB 1511 Italy = 0.0042 RMB 1561 Lebanon pound = 0.0041 RMB 1571 Somali premissions = 0.0040 RMB 1581 Tanzania auction = 0.0038 RMB 1591 Peridi Ferram = 0.0036 Colombia peso = 0.0034 RM Mm = 0.0031 RMB 1621, Madagascar, Aliary = 0.0028 RMB 1631 Uganda Phantom = 0.0023 RMB 1641 Paraguayigan = 0. 0016 RMB 1651 Cambodian = 0.0016 RMB 1661 Seli Lyon = 0.0014 RMB 1671 Zambia Civic = 0.0012 RMB 1681 Fabian Farram = 0.0009 RMB 1691 Kippip = 0.0008 RMB 1701 Platinum = 0.0007 RMB 0.3 Renminbi 1781 Iranian Lial = 0.0005 RMB 1791 San Domi and Princes Bibra = 0.0003 RMB 1801 Vietnamese Shield = 0.0002977

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    world world Ranking of Coins of various countries-: NMC Ranking: NO.1 Kuwait-Danar No.2 Barin-Danar No.3 Oman-Rial No.4 Jordan-Danar No.5 Britain -British NO.6 Cayman -Cayman Yuan NO.7 Euro Area -Euras No.8 Switzerland -Swiss Swiss NO.9 U.S. NO.10 Australia -Australian dollar

    The national currency ranking: US dollar, although the dollar is not as good as the British euro value:, but it is the most widely circulated currency

    The currency growth target ranking of countries in the world? On December 31st, the World 717073 EU 1658401 The United States 1568472 China 822703 Japan 596394 Germany 340055 France 260866 UK 244057 Brazil 239598 Russia ...

    The currency names around the world? There are really many names. Only the names of the unit circulating currency in the market today are as many as 60 or 70.

    What are the top 20 coins rankings in the world? Exchange rate: Two pounds 0.4531: USD 1; GBP 0.5353: Dinar (Danar) of the dollar 1 Kuwait is the most valuable currency Malta in the world. Global Currency Ranking: 1 £ 1, 2 euros, 3 US dollars, 4 Canadian dollars 5 Australian dollar 6 Singapore $ 7 Hong Kong dollars 9 Thailand 10 Macau

    Currency of various countries: 2008-7-15 exchange rate United States: US dollar, 100RMB = 14.70 US dollars in Britain: pound, 100RMB = 7.35 pound Japan: Japanese yen, 100RMB = 1562.5 yen before Germany's currency is called Mark, but now there is no circulation, all of them have changed the euro 100RMB = 9.2 Euro 100RMB = 337.8 ruble

    The currency rankings of countries around the world?-: The most in the world Exaggeous currency rankings: first place: Kwaitana (KWD), 1 Kuwaita Venar = RMB 22.53 yuan second place: Barinnal (BHD), 1 Barinnal = RMB 16.974 third third third third Name: Omanirial (standard symbol: omr) .1 Omanniliar = 15.8870 yuan No. 4: Latvialat (LVL), 1 Latvialat = RMB 11.447: £ pound () .1 pound = 9.8447 yuan No. 6: Jordan Denar (, symbol: jod) .1 Jordan Denar = 8.6221 RMB 7: EURO (EURO). 1 Euro = 7.7729 yuan

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