2 thoughts on “lakeside wholesale jewelry Which jade has oil luster”

  1. silver diamond jewelry wholesale The jade produced by Jilin has white jade. Changbai jade is produced in Panshi County, Jilin Province, Malu Township, Changbai County, and sheep fat Bai Zai jade in Shuangyang County. The types and origin of jade

    jade are synonymous in my country. The ancients regarded jade as treasures, and today people call precious jade as treasure jade. my country is a country of jade, but the current domestic jewelry, archeological and geological circles are different from the definition of jade, jade and gems. At present, the jade specialty refers to the internationally referred to is nephrite and hard jade (emerald), and other jade carving stone is collectively called jade. Gem is a special optical effect composed of one or more minerals. Most of them are monocrystallines of certain minerals, such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, cat eyes, tourmaline, purple toothwurs, etc.

    1. Solid jade
    Carse jade, commonly known as "emerald" in my country, is a rising star in the traditional jade in China, and it is also the top of all jade in modern times.

    The emerald whether it is "mountain material" (native ore) or "seed material" (secondary ore), which is mainly a dense block composed of cashmers. Observations under the microscope, the cashmere mineral that forms emerald is closely intertwined to form the fiber structure of emerald. This tight fibrous structure makes jadeite have delicate and tenacious characteristics.

    M common emerald colors include*, light brown, green, emerald green, yellow green, purple red, etc. Transparent, glass luster. Divided by color and texture, there are gem green, gorgeous green, yellow -yang green, yang green, glass green, paroxymaline green, spinach green, light water green, light yang green, frog green, melon skin green, plum green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green, blue green , Gray Green, Oil Green, and Violet and Powder Flores, including more than twenty varieties.

    , nephrite
    , Jasper, Huangyu and Mo Yu. They are different from the lithium jade. They are dense blocks composed of glittering stone littering mines (mainly permeable flashes). Observation under a microscope, the nephrite is also a fibrous structure like a riffing jade. This fibrous structure composed of transparent glitter or yang stones is the main reason why nephrite has delicate and tough properties.

    M common colors of nephrite are white, gray, green, dark green, yellow, black and other colors. Most opaque, individual transparent, glass luster. The variety of nephrite is mainly divided by different colors. The best one among the white jade is like sheep fat, called "sheep fat jade". The jade jade is gray to blue and white. At present, some people call the gray white jade as "green and white jade". Jasper is green to dark green, and sometimes it can be seen in black dirt, which is caused by impurities such as pyrocarlinite minerals. When it contains a lot of impurities, it is precious ink jade. Huang Yu is also a more precious variety. There is a yellow leather shell in the jade, and the existing person is called "sugar jade". *The red person is called "pink jade". Tiger skin is called "tiger skin jade" and so on.

    . Xiuyan jade
    is known as Xiuyu, which is named after it produced in Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province. On the surface of the main varieties of this jade, it is similar to the jade or jasper in Xinjiang, but the minerals and hardness formed are different. The main minerals that make up the jade jade are snake patterns. The ingredients often contain binary iron and three -valent iron, and mixed with impurities such as manganese, aluminum, nickel, and cobalt. These mixed income make Xiuyan jade have various colors. The colors of sauce are white, yellow, pale yellow, pink, light green, green, green, dark green, brown green and other mixed colors. Among them, green tone is mainly based on green jade and jasper. Snake -grain stone minerals that form Saitama usually account for more than 85 %. A small amount of cubes and other minerals are common. The mixing of glittering stones can increase the hardness of the jade.

    This of the five quality of Saitama is very delicate, translucent to opaque, wax -like to fat luster. Hardness is 2.5 to 5.5, and the proportion is 2.5 to 2.8. The average discount rate of snake stone minerals is 1.54 to 1.55. Snake pattern is an explanatory etching mineral with magnesium carbonate rocks, magnesium -based basal downside, and super -based rocks, and can also be symbiosis with talc and green mud stones.

    The sauce jade and jadeite and nephrite are very easy to distinguish, mainly the different luster (old oil luster) and hardness.

    The history of mining in the southern jade is unknown. Because it is produced in the Siliu area of ​​Xinyi County, Guangdong Province, it is also called "Xinyi jade". Most jade is composed of snake patterns, and contains a small amount of Jinyun mother, talc, square lipstick, shower light stones, green mud stones, and green curtain stones. Because there are many impurities, the color is often different from the jade, the color tone is dark green to brown green. At the same time, the geological conditions produced are also different from the jade jade. It is produced in the stratum consisting of Yunmu rocks and strips of mixing slices. There are often 0.2 to 5.5 meters thick talc layers under the jade ore body.

    Qilian jade produces Qilian Mountain, with dark green, with more black dirty dirt, and jade and southern jade do not have this feature.

    D yellow jade is also composed of snake patterns. It was found in the 1960s that it has been unknown whether it has been mining in history. Due to too little production, it has stopped mining.

    The green stone is also a snake -grain stone jade. It is named after the first discovery of the green river river in Ji'an County, Jilin. It is produced in the ancient strata of snake -oriented petrochemicals. The jade is pure, delicate and smooth, and the apple is green to dark green, and it is slightly transparent.

    The snake -patterned stone jade similar to Saitama also has many origin and variety. Therefore, when we identify this type of jade in the Neolithic era, we must not easily determine the source of jade. In 1977, among the Shinshi Age discovered by the Nanjing Museum in Wuxian Mountain and Zhangling Mountain in Wu County, Jiangsu, a jade tube was appraised as a snake -grain stone jade, which was not the jade produced by Liaoning. product.

    . The name of Lantian jade
    The name of Lantian jade was first seen in "Hanshu · Geography". Mountain". Later, ancient books such as "Hou Han Book · Foreign Key Biography", Zhang Heng's "Xi Jingfu", "Guangya", "Water Sutra" and "Yuanhe County Maps" and other ancient books were recorded in Lantian's jade. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, Song Yingxing stated in "Tiantong Kaiwan": "The so -called blue fields, that is, the alias of jade from the onion Ridge (Kunlun Mountain), and then mistakenly thought that the Lantian of Xi'an also." Since then It is said that Lantian does not produce jade at all, and some say that even if it produces jade, it may be La Yu (color green -like jade -like jade). In recent years, Shaanxi geological workers found snake pattern petrochemical marble jade in Lantian, thinking that it was Lantian jade recorded in ancient times (November 23, 1978). This discovery not only attracted the attention of the geological world of the raw materials for Zhuyu, but also caused the interest of archeologists. In 1982, the Geological Museum of Geological Minerals exhibited the original stone of the Lantian jade. When this kind of snake pattern petrochemical is strong, the local part has become the same jade as the jade jade. From the perspective of jade, there are uneven hue such as yellow and light green, accompanied by light white marble rocks. Although this kind of jade is not very beautiful, because Lantian is located near the ancient city of Xi'an, the jade hardness is about 4, which is easy to process.

    . Nanyang jade
    Nanyang jade is named after Nanyang, Henan Province, and because of the mining area in Dushan in Nanyang, it is also called "Dushan Jade".

    Thenian jade color is bright, with delicate texture, good luster, high hardness, which is comparable to jadeite. The Germans once called it "Nanyang Emerald", and the Soviet geologist Ji Yilinko had attributed Nanyang jade to the jadeite -type jade mine. According to the research of Henan geological workers in recent years, it is proven that Nanyang Jade is a kind of eroded and oblique long rock. In addition to the oblique stone, there are also curtain stones, green curtain stone, shower flashes, silk cloud mother, and black, black, and black. Yunmu and vermiculite. After microscope identification, jade contains a variety of etching minerals, and the erosion is mainly based on the curtain petrochemical, green curtain petrochemical and transparent flash petrochemical. Because the jade contains various metal impurities electrolytic ions), the color of jade has a variety of colors, mainly green, white, and mixed colors. n

    . The green pine
    turnisor is a hidden crystal dense block composed of small green loose minerals, which contains copper, aluminum and water phosphate. It is usually produced. In the secondary shallow into the mine. Most of them are blue, dark blue, blue -green and green, and the strong weather is green and white. With a soft waxy luster. Hardness 6, the proportion of 2.6 to 2.8. The average discount rate is 1.61 to 1.63.

    The green pine is also an ancient traditional jade in my country. As early as the Neolithic era, it was used as decorations with jade and agate. According to the statistics in the book "History of Ancient Chinese*", from the late Shijia culture and the Dawenkou cultural site to the tombs of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, many places have been found. n

    7. Agate
    Agate has been used by people since ancient times. In the unearthed jade wares, the common agate beads are commonly decorated.

    It small minerals that make up agate, in addition to the chalcedony, sometimes see a small amount of protein or hidden crystal particles. Strictly speaking, there is no characteristic of pattern patterns. It cannot be called agate, but can only be called chalcedony. At present, some chalcedony without patterns on the market is also called "agate". The meaning of this ancient agate is inconsistent. Agate is white. Because it contains other metal elements (such as Fe, Ni, etc.), it appears gray, brown, red, blue, green, green, pink green, black and other colors, and sometimes several colors or phase appear. Agate block is transparent, translucent and opaque, with glass luster to wax -like luster. Hardness is 6.5 to 7, and the proportion is 2.65.

    The thickness and shape of agate are divided into many varieties. The strip is called "缟", which is called "缟 agate". Among them, the red patterns are the most precious, called "red agate". In addition, there are still "band agate", "city agate", "dumpling agate", "moss agate", "brocade red agate", "gaizi agate", "sauce agate", "cypress agate", "song", "song"胆 Agate "and" Water Bald Agate "and other varieties (see Li Shizhen's" Compendium of Materia Medica ").

    It "Chalcedon" without pattern patterns, and many of them are jade raw materials. Depending on the color, there are "red chalcedony", "green chalcedony" (also known as English card stone), "green onion chiloid", "blood chalcedony" (also known as bloodstone) and "jasper" and so on.

    The agate is also a traditional jade in my country, just like nephrite. Agate cups and agate beads unearthed among the sites such as Nanjing North Yinyang Camp. In a large amount of agate beads, there is a grain of evil spirits, 1.7 cm long. Gansu Yongjing Daezhuang Qijia Cultural Site, Spring and Autumn Tomb of Junan Dian, Shandong, and the middle of the Jin Tomb of the Shandong Jin Dynasty in Nanjing. 8. Lushimite
    Sugs with greenite are composed of greenite minerals, often containing square lipsticks, pyrite, and sometimes a small amount of transparency. The average content of lapisima minerals made of Afghanistan accounted for 25-40 %. Jade is unique blue, dark blue, light blue and group blue. Occascular, glass to grease luster. Hardness is 5.5, and the proportion is 2.7 to 2.9. Those with dark blue and thick but not black are called "green gold"; when the content of dark blue and yellow iron ore is more than greenite minerals, it is called "Jin Gelang"; Those who are called "spawning stones" (this name comes from the ancients of the ancients used lapigraphic stone as the saying of giving birth).

    . "Reading the Minutes of the History of History" Volume 56 years: "Tianzhu Mountain (Tianzhu Mountain, State (Xing'an Prefecture, Today, Ankang County, Shaanxi) west fifty miles. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Xia Xiangrong et al. In "The History of Ancient China*", "Bidang in the Yuan Dynasty was not Dada, and the Bishe in the Ming Dynasty was no exception." The peacock (green and green, also known as "stone green") symbiosis, while "silicon peacock" is often symbiotic with the peacock. Since it is known that the peacock is symbiotic with "Biyi", then "Biyu" or "Bidonzi" is likely to refer to "silicon peacock".

    The peacock is a secondary oxide mineral, which is usually produced in the oxidation zone of the upper part of the copper mine. The malachite is named after the peacock green, and it is mostly block, creamy, leather -like and concentric strips. Hardness is 4 to 6, and the proportion is 3.9 to 4. It is often symbiotic with brown iron ore, square lipstick, manganese earth, chalcedony, silicon peacock.

    It silicon malachite is also a secondary mineral, mostly formed by the action of thermal solution of alkaline silicate such as brass ore and bronze ore. It is green, blue -green to the sky blue, and often appears in the block or porcelain glaze -shaped body, and there are also earthen or grape -like people. Hardness is 2 to 4, and the gravity is 2 to 2.24. As opaque as the malachite, glass to earthy luster.

    This, gem
    In from a large amount of archeological data, the jade materials unearthed in my country are mainly traditional jade, but there are also gems accompanied by unearthed. Introduction to some important gems:

    The diamond mineral name diamond. The axial crystal system is mostly an octagonal body, and there are also trapems duodang and sixty -eight. The chemical composition is carbon. Hardness is 10, the proportion is 3.5 to 3.6, and the discount rate is 2.40 to 2.48. Before the 18th century, India was the only place for diamonds in the world. Brazilian diamonds were discovered in 1728; African diamonds were found in 1850. The output of diamonds in my country is said to have only two or three hundred years of history. According to "Cultural Relics", No. 32, No. 3, 1972, during the tomb of East Jin, No. 7 in Xiangshan, Nanjing, diamonds were inlaid. This is the earliest diamond unearthed from my country so far.

    The mineral names of ruby ​​and sapphire are all jade. Three -way crystal system, the crystals are often bucket, cone, plate, columnar, irregular granularity, etc. There are often oblique or horizontal lines on the crystal surface. Hardness 9, the proportion of 3.95 ~ 4.10. Folding rate: n0 = 1.767 ~ 1.772, n0 = 1.759 ~ 1.763; weight discount 0.008 ~ 0.009. Mixed metal chromium in the ingredients; mixed with iron, titanium, manganese, etc. are blue or other hue. Nowadays, in the gemstone and jewelry business community, in addition to red transparent people call rubies, other transparent crystals (those who can make gems) are called "sapphires". For example, the yellow person is called "yellow sapphire"; the green person is called "green sapphire" and so on.

    The special varieties in ruby ​​and sapphire are called "Star Waste" and "Star Blue Gem". This kind of gem is generally opaque or nearly translucent. After pondering the curved gemstone, six radiation -shaped light bands appear on the top surface of the arc, like a shining star.

    The ruby, the ancient my country has "red thorn", "Zhao Dianhong" and "Ballas". It is known that "Ballas" is a gem named "spinel". Sapphire, the ancients of my country are known as "Seisma", and the ancient "Serhe" as the name of jewelry also refers to other blue or green gems. In recent years, the origin of sapphire has been found in East China, South China and other places, and rubies have not yet been discovered. If sapphire is found in the tomb, it is likely to come from Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and other places; rubies are likely to come from Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia.

    The e -grandmother Tao Zongyi, a emerald, a writer, is called "Water Spurs" in "Plowing Record".

    The emerald, generally refers to the transparent green pillar mineral crystals that can be used as gems. Depending on the color, they all have their own names. For example, the sky blue person is called "sea blue gemstone"; the yellow -green person is called "olive sea sapphire"; the pure yellow person is called "golden emerald"; the light red person is called "rose emerald" and so on. Only when the ingredients contain chromium and make their color thick or green, they are emerald.

    The unique emerald green of emerald is because metal chromium ions are mixed in the crystal. ~ 0.6 %. Crystals are often six -square column. Hardness is 7.5, and the proportion is 2.71. Transparent, glass luster. Folding index: NO = 1.585, NO = 1.579; weight discount to 0.006. There are often flaws in the crystal, and they are mostly shiny films, also known as "cicada wings". Due to the beautiful color of emerald, emerald has the reputation of "King of Emerald". More than 4,000 years ago, in ancient Egypt and Greece, they were used as jewelry inlaids, and they often pondered it into disk or price ladder types.

    The ancient emerald was produced in Egypt. In 1930, the Soviet Union discovered emeralds in Mount China. Since the 1920s, South Africa (Azania), Zimbabwe, and Brazil have successively discovered large emeralds. Today's emerald's famous place is in Cavol and Muzo Administrative Region in Colombia. In addition, India, Tanzania, and Zambia also produce emeralds. It has not been found in my country so far. The Emperor Wanli Emperor unearthed in Ming Dingling took the large emeralds inlaid with a large emerald.

    Cat eye stone is commonly known as "cat's eyes", which is known as "lion negative" in ancient times, meaning the meaning of being carried by the lion. This gem is mainly produced in Ceylon (now called Sri Lanka), so it is also called "Ceylon Cat's Eye Stone".

    The mineral name "Golden Emerald" of Cat's Eye Stone is a special variety of gold emerald minerals. This kind of gemstone has a parallel "tube" pore wrap in the crystal. After processed into a curved gemstone (commonly known as the waist round), it can produce centralized reflection on the light. Therefore, it is called cat eye stone or cat's eye.

    Is when cat eye stones appear in my country, and historical books are difficult to test. Zhang Hongzhao quoted the "Langhuan Ji" in "Shi Ya"; "Fairy on the Xuanzong Lion on the Xuanzong Lion ... Xuanzong hid in the peony steel combination to verify the clouds." Whether the "lion negative" here is It is the earlier cat's eye stone, waiting to be tested. It is known that there are cat -eye stones unearthed in the Tomb of the East Tomb of the Qing Dynasty; the top of the Golden Tower in the Treasure Hall of the Palace Museum is also inlaid with unqualified cat eye stones. The cat's eye stones in our country are entered from Sri Lanka, and the earliest time to enter China needs to be verified.

    The tourmaline "Qinghui Dian Map" Volume 43 "Biyi (Wang Ya) 囗 (Wang Yan)"; "Yu Hengzhi" is called "Bixia Crooked", "Bixia 囗 (Wang Bi)", and "Breefly"; "Yu Ji" is called "Bixia Xi". At the beginning of the Republic of China, the jewelry dealers on the Beijing market often called "green vessels" or "tourmaline", both of which are today's "electrical stone" gems. Today, the term "tourmaline" has become the name of the craftsmanship of various electrical stone gems.

    The composition of electrical stone minerals is quite complicated, the crystals are columnar, the cross section is a spherical triangle, and the crystal surface has vertical and horizontal. The gemstone is a transparent crystal with a strong glass luster. Hardness is 7-7.5, and the proportion is 2.98 to 3.05. According to the color such as "red tourmaline", "green tourmaline", "yellow tourmaline", "brown tourmaline", and "tourmaline cat's eye stone" and other varieties. The dark red is commonly known as "double peach red", and the light red person is commonly known as "monocycopic". There are a large number of tourmaline products of various colors in the Treasure Museum of the Palace Museum. Ancient book records of tourmaline in Myanmar. The tourmaline produced by Altay, Xinjiang, my country is the most famous, but the mining age is unknown.

    The tight teeth are also known as "Ziya", which is now the name of the craftsmanship of various colors. "Museums to Lay" and "Drops of Farming Records" are called "Avoiding" in the book. Among them, the red red is like a ruby, known as the "Ceylonacker"; the yellow person is known as the "yellow garnet"; the emerald green person is known as "emerald gigar", also known as "Ural's emerald". The purple gems unearthed from my country are unknown. Many of the dark red gems in the Treasure Museum of the Palace Museum, most of them are purple gems, but the source of raw materials is unknown. It is known that the middle class of Ale Taiwei Jingyan, Xinjiang in my country is red, yellow -green and other garnet gems. In addition, red garnet gems were found in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province.

    The ruby ​​inlaid inlaid on the crown of spikes and Russian kings, some are today's spinels. The "Black Prince" ruby ​​inlaid in the central inlaid of the Crown Crown Crown of the British Crown, weighs 389 carats, is published according to the "Gem Cleat Metal Dictionary", which is a large spinel gemstone. Buy in Beijing.

    Stronelite is often an octopus, glass luster. Hardness 3, a proportion of 3.5 to 4.06. The average discount rate n = 1.717. Speed ​​stone is a homogeneous mineral. It is different from Ruby (Red Gang Jade). Except for crystal and hardness, it is placed under the polarized mirror (orthodox polarization). When the edge of the book is bright and black (anti -light), it is a change. Ruby is all black spine gems when it is black (full light).

    This recently found emerald green spinels. The main places of foreign countries include Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Australia.

    This stretch stones are named after being found on the coast of Labrado, Canada. It is known that there are two types of moonstone and color -changing stones. Mineral belongs to the base of the oblique stone, including 35-50 % of long stone molecules and 50-75 % tungsten stone molecules. There may be a small amount of potassium stones in the ingredients. The crystal is plate -shaped or pillars. Precise to translucent, a small number of transparency, high glass luster. Hardness is 6 to 6.5, and the proportion is 2.67 to 2.72. GM fire into a rock or veins. The long moonstone has "cold moonlight as autumn" (rotating gems, the glory gradually changes is called "Youcai"). The color of the transformer stretch has white, blue, etc. The color that changes with different light sources (that is, "change color").

    Te Zhang Hongzhao believes in "Shi Ya" that my country's "Hetai" should be stretched stone gems, mainly based on the "recording" in the late Tang Dynasty. The description of "color change. Du Guangting said: "'The color of the sideways of He and the family, and the color of the color is white." The stretch stone also changes the color white and colorful, and it is not considered. Only to get treasure.

    The records of the pre -Qin Dynasty "Han Feizi" and other books. Qin Shihuang processed him into a jade seal and passed on to the time when he was passed on to the Tang Li Congke (Emperor). Because of Beijing's left -behind Shi Jingzheng colluded with the Khitan people, Yelu Deguang attacked Luoyang. From then on, the whereabouts of He Shi are unknown.

    The fluorite in 1978 The first excavation report of the Journal of Archeology · Humatu Ruins of the Graduate of Archaeological Academy. Xia Xiangrong and others believe that this fluorite is obviously obviously taken on the spot. Fluorite has various transparent crystals. my country's jewelry world is called soft crystals. The fluoride is calcium fluoride, which often contains rare earth element impurities such as 钇 and 铯. The crystal is cube or octopus. There are white, green, yellow, blue and other colors. Hardness 4, the proportion of 3.18. The discount rate is 1.433 to 1.435. The ingredients emit green fluorescent light due to trace uranium. Those with strong phosphorus light, according to historical records, are a kind of "Night Pearl". According to legend, the "snake -eyed stone" found in ancient India is a fluid night pearl. It is half a feet away from it at night. Joseph's "History of Chinese Science and Technology" contains: The night pearls of the ancient Chinese love Syrian Asian production, alias "Peacock Warm Stone". It is said that there are nine night pearls on the crown of the Empress Dowager Cixi, including four of them. Not long ago, some people in Luoyang discovered the night pearl, and some people in Fufeng County, Shaanxi also discovered the night pearl, and did not identify the gem. This shows that there are night pearls in ancient times. "Beijing Evening News" reported on June 3, 1983, "my country Discovery Night Pearls" in the article reported that some people in Guangdong Province also found strong phosphorus fluorite in the tungsten mines fluorite mining plant, which can be described as modern night pearls. This discovery not only shows that the ancient legends and recorded night jewelry gems do exist, but also have a new place of origin.

    The crystal products that are accompanied by jade articles are more common, and are often unearthed in ancient tombs since the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period.

    The chemical composition of the crystal is silica, which is a quartz crystal with a certain geometric shape. Hardness 7, the proportion of 2.65. There are color transparency, purple, pink, brown, black and other colors. Color is related to certain impurities; yellow crystal contains hydroxide with super -displayed microcuretic iron; smoke crystals may be related to radium radiation; rose color may contain hydrogen oxides with manganese oxide and intraocrystalline silicon; The red iron ore parcel can be pink; the amethyst may be caused by boron -containing; black ink crystals may contain more impurities.

    In in addition to the color division of theme, yellow crystals (fake yellow gems), tea crystal and ink products, the crystals are also divided into hair crystals (wrapped with various needle -shaped minerals) and water or galloping according to the package body crystal. Among them, the pink block is called hibiscus stone. There are many names such as water jade, water essence, white affiliate, dried year ice, glass, purple difficulty, red quartz, purple quartz, and green quartz. Crystal not only has many varieties, but also has more ancient and modern places. In addition to the production of many provinces in my country, in ancient times, it also entered from Daqin, Persia and other countries.

  2. wholesale blue butterfly jewelry 1. The jade produced by Jilin has white jade. Changbai jade is produced in Panshi County, Jilin Province, Malu Township, Changbai County, and sheep fat Bai Zai jade in Shuangyang County.

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