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  1. pearl jewelry settings wholesale Although my headlines are really bad today, and there is no special attention, and there are very few benefits. I even wanted to give up. However, I still feel that I should persist. If I still can't make breakthroughs for a while, then I will give up.

    of course, a large part of the media is luck. If I am unlucky every time, I can't catch the taste of the public every time, then I am so bad.

    The think about it, I should start with the taste of the public, the current hotspots, and a comparative topic of a systematic. Now the topic I focus on is health, and then most of the audience is middle -aged and elderly.

    This thought that this topic should be more attractive. As a result, it feels like no wish. It seems that the middle -aged and elderly people are not paying attention to this, and young people are even more noticed.

    . However, it may be because the content I wrote is too boring. Like a middle school composition, there is no timely attraction point, so that everyone just clicks this article, and I have no desire to read it instantly. Essence

    If it is myself, I may not like to read this article. I remember that others said that people now are ninety -nine6, and they are very tired. When they come home from get off work, click on their mobile phones to see some funny and interesting things and relax themselves.

    It if you open a health article, you may still make your mood more heavy. I probably need to change the field of focus. Otherwise, it feels like a breakthrough.

    It today, I went to see the income of yesterday's article. There are only four dollars, super super small, but the unit price of this article is higher than the previous articles. Therefore, although the amount of snow reading in this article is not high, the final income is still good, at least a little higher than the previous penalty.

    It today's article I have not conceived well. I plan to continue to focus on health, and then change the time to other parts. At present, there is a topic that I want to replace. breakthrough.

    although I can create videos in today's headlines, and then almost every video of the creation is two minutes to three minutes, but it feels a bit long, because the person who really sees the video last is particularly special. few.

    but if the video is not available for a minute, the benefits will not be particularly high, so I can control the video within one minute to two minutes in the future, preferably one minute to one point, one minute to one minute It's better, of course, it's not so strict, it's almost fine.

    This from the media to understand it. It is necessary to work harder, and it is very simple to give up. Therefore, I ca n’t do simple things without working hard.

    I still have a long way to go. Come on, you will definitely change it.

  2. crystal point jewelry wholesale A low small wooden house, only a gray tile on the roof, eroded the door of the old house. And I wandered at the door, thinking about those ordinary things.
    Procked by grandpa to keep the old house. He liked to sit at the door and pumped the drought of the self -rolled scrolls with a bite. And every time my face flushed, I hurriedly recruited me to give him back. That scene was repeated for several years. And the wound of the sun in the entrance of the old house in the red house in my impression, fell again, and fell again. Inadvertently, Grandpa was gone. The door of the old house squeaked and swayed in the wind, and it was just a bleak heartache that shook it out. After all, there was no one sitting at the door of the old house.
    later moved to a new home, but grandma insisted on staying in the old house. She didn't explain, but she was sitting silently like Grandpa, and everyone couldn't violate her. But a little sensible I think that the door of this old house has too many. When I go home from school, I like to write homework on the small bench at the door of the old house. Once quiet, I can also be with my grandma. Grandma likes to naggle, and I am curious about those I am curious. Occasionally, there are three or two old women gathered at the door of the old house. Talking about those things that will enter the soil first, as usual, just like pulling the family. But I occasionally hear my grandma complaining alone, complaining that the bad old man went too early. At that time, I didn't know if the grandma leaned against the door, or the door leaned against her grandmother. Lonely, I shed tears, listening to her sobbing, but couldn't cry.
    . Over time, the old house has also become a crumbling dangerous house. The people in the village advised Dad to demolish the house. I was not willing. Of course, Dad also insisted that he did not agree. I remember he walked to the door of the lock of the old house with me, and listened to him murmured and said, "Wait for me to grow old, and live in this house." I think I understand: Grandpa and grandma are going here, Dad wanted to see them at this door; and people were in middle age, and they also thought of their own destination. At that time, I responded naive: "Dad, when I get old, I live in this house." Dad didn't squeak, touched the small wooden door, and turned away. I think he was unwilling to cry at the door of the old house, and he was afraid that his grandparents would see sadness.
    Today, I stood at the door of the old house and didn't want to push it away, because I was afraid of touching those dusty past. But some things, like the door of the old house, have experienced too many, but still silent. I dare not disturb the silence and vicissitudes of this years, but I think that between today and tomorrow, we may only be separated by a door. People.
    I stood at the door of the old house, thinking about those ordinary things. The door of the old house was locked by years.
    This is a lyrical prose with beautiful mood, rich feelings, and profound meaning. The author is based on the door of the "Old House", tracing the past, and recalling people and things related to "Old House". Time -oriented, with a faint freehand brushwork, reproduced the smoking in front of Grandpa's door, grandma leaning on the door and meditation. , Dad sticks to the old house and the typical scene of the years of lamenting the years. Although the picture is ordinary personnel and trivial family, it is unusual, and the true feelings of seeing the true feelings. Here are the heavy sighs of people and wrongs and vicissitudes of years, as well as the faint feelings of bloodlines and chasing Zong Huaiyuan. Through the dull and alienated artistic mood of this article, we can see the author's rich and detailed emotional world, and experience the author's experience and thinking about life themes such as family, life, years. The beautiful affection accompanied by the grandchildren in the text, grandma's sore thinking about grandpa, his father's insistence on his father's old residence, and "I" sighing the vicissitudes of years, touching. This article feels lively and starts at the "door of the old house". It stands out. As the feelings and experience gradually deepen, it is attributed to the "door of the years", which is profound.
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    -Implementation of coal -controlling carbon reduction projects and orderly release advanced coal production capacity. Accelerate the use of energy transactions and carbon emissions transactions, and establish a carbon emissions intensity assessment mechanism. Relying on the construction of the Dods and Wuhai fuel cell vehicles, the development of large -scale landscape hydrogen is developed, exploring the commercial model of hydrogen power supply and heating, and the construction of green hydrogen production bases. Implement the comprehensive utilization of energy, strengthen the use of coal grades, and promote the demonstration of coal -based multi -joint production, and increase the comprehensive utilization of coal gangsters, coal washing, and clay.
    -Implementing "use the electricity with electricity" and "replace oil with electricity", promote industrial, transportation, construction (renovation of old communities), and electrical energy substitutions in the residential field to improve the level of electrification of the whole society. Implement digital energy engineering, promote the construction of smart power plants such as large coal power, wind farms, and photovoltaic power stations, all producing coal mines to build smart coal mines, and promote digital transformation of energy production, storage and transportation, and consumption.
    -implemented flexible power grid projects to create the "four horizontal and five verticals" of the Mongolian grid and the "eight horizontal two vertical" main grid structure of the Mongolian grid. It is planned to build a high -voltage green power delivery channel from Mont West to Hebei, Tianjin, Anhui, to Henan, and to the South Network. Implement the gasification of Inner Mongolia to steadily expand the production capacity of natural gas.

  3. snap on jewelry wholesale Over the years, Yang Yanlin seems to have been doing one thing repeatedly -escaping some kind of framework.
    Now people talk about her, it seems difficult to use her song, a drama or a certain identity.
    and this "not being frame" has largely benefited from these years, her "breakout" and "avoidance".
    Now, before the age of 30, Yang Yanlin's life guide is more: "What can I do, I work hard." After 30 years of age, her creed of life became: "What I want to do, I will try it."
    and more quantitative description is: with the age of age, the proportion of "focusing on self", the proportion of "focusing on self", the proportion of "focusing on self", the proportion of "focusing", In Yang Yanlin's life, gradually increased.
    This on the cheek on the right face of Yang Yanlin had a mole.
    . When she first debuted, for a long time, she was frequently eliminated because of this mole in various selection and auditions. Some directors even told her straightforwardly that the mole was like a flaw on her face: "If you don't click it, it will be difficult for you to develop in the entertainment industry."
    Yang Yanlin really ran to the hospital After consulting the doctor, there was any way to remove the mole on the face. As a result, the doctor told her that because the mole grew too big, if you click it, it would be easy to leave scars on his face.
    I heard this, Yang Yanlin had to give up.
    In those years, in order to have more opportunities, Yang Yilin continued to participate in the large and medium -sized competitions and auditions, add up and after, even more than 50 times.
    but most of the results end in failure.
    It finally won the Zhou championship in the "Super New King" hosted by Wu Zongxian, but was told that the program was stopped during the next round of the game.
    This that made Yang Yanlin very frustrated, and she even attributed the stop of the show to her mold luck: "Is it because I have always failed, so the show stopped."
    Battle, but Yang Yanlin never thought of giving up, the reason is simple, she wants to repay her debt for her home.
    Yang Yanlin's childhood
    When Yang Yanlin was 14 years old, because his father failed in business, his family owed 9 million Taiwan dollars overnight.
    At that time, Yang Yanlin had just been admitted to Taipei Huagang Art School and became a school girl with big and small S. It was originally a carefree age, but earning money has become the most urgent thing in Yang Yanlin's life.
    is also because of this, she started to participate in various selection and auditions, hoping that one day she could be selected, because at that time Yang Yilin's cognition: as long as it became a star, she would definitely make money.
    The Yang Yanlin during the reading period
    Yang Yilin's turn in 1999.
    In 1999, 15 -year -old Yang Yanlin participated in the selection of "Healthy Girls in the Times". At the end of the competition, she and three other girls Huang Xiaorou, Leng Jialin and Zhang Qihui were selected and formed beauty in the second year. The girl group "4 in love".
    is also in August of this year. In another competition called "Universe 2000 Powerful Girls", three girls stood out. , To form a combination S · H · E. At that time, no one had thought that the two girls' combinations that appeared at the beginning of the most golden age of the Chinese music scene in the future, in the future, in a very different direction.
    The girl group "4 in love"
    and S · H · E released the first album to be shortlisted for the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards. 4 in the road after entering the entertainment industry is not smooth. Even the song "One Thousand and One Wish" that they sang quickly became popular. But the celebrity is not red. In that year, many people sang the phrase "make me the 10,000th wish", but few knew who the four girls who sang this song.
    Once, they held a new album signing meeting in the audio -visual store. There were 4 people in the group, but only 3 fans came to participate. Yang Yanlin later said: "At that time, several of our little girls felt embarrassed, and four people cried in the car."
    because of poor record sales, coupled with the "921 Earthquake" in Taiwan The entertainment industry has a huge impact. Under multiple reasons, in 2002, after the second album was released, the "4 in Love" group announced the dissolution.
    Huang Xiaorou in the combination said: "There is no sign. Obviously everyone was still running the announcement the day before, and was called back to the record company the next day to tell us to dissolve." LOVE "
    At the time, the brokerage company and the record company were two separate systems, so when they were dissolved by the record company, Yang Yanlin and other members were called back by the brokerage company. The boss asked what they wanted to do. Essence
    among all members, only Yang Yanlin replied very clearly: "I want to act." In this way, Yang Yanlin, who dreamed of singing and dancing when he was a kid, embarked on the path of acting. She first partnered with Yu Wenle and Peng Yuyan starred in the idol drama "White Paper of Love", and later became a good friend Xiao You, a good friend of Shancai in the TV series "Meteor Garden".
    The TV series "Love White Book" Yu Wenle, Yang Yanlin and Peng Yuyan
    and with the fire of "Meteor Garden", Yang Yilin also gradually entered the public's vision. Occasionally, she would be recognized by people. out. It was just relative to the real name. At that time, when everyone saw her, she would always call her "Xiao You" in the role of the play. The name is still not remembered, but Yang Yanlin does not feel lost, because compared to the obscurity before, "recognition" is definitely a progress.
    Yang Yanlin said: "It can be recognized, it means that I am one step closer to my dream."
    Yang Yilin and Big S
    even through "Meteor Garden" I harvested some attention, but at that time, Yang Yanlin never found his own field: the singing group disbanded, there was no fire in the acting, and the company began to intend to try to try the host's direction.
    In 2002, Yang Yanlin became the host of the variety show "I guess I guess I guess". She partnered with her is Wu Zongxian and Aya, and the former host of her class was S. H · E.
    When Yang Yanlin first joined the show, Wu Zongxian said: "The performing arts road is not easy to walk, and the posture of the group appears, and it is not popular. You can also go to the host."
    "I guess I guess I guess" Yang Yanlin, Wu Zongxian and Aya
    During these 4 years, Yang Yanlin worked while repaying debts, and also made many good friends. Lin Yichen is one of them. At that time, every time she saw Lin Yichen, who was also in debt in her home, the first sentence of greeting must be: "How much is the debt in your home?"
    Yang Yilin and Lin Yichen in variety shows
    Lin Yichen and Yang Yanlin met in a variety show. Yang Yilin later said that when he saw Lin Yichen's first glance, he felt: "Wow, this girl is so cute." At that time, Lin Yichen had already become popular with idol dramas, and Yang Yilin was not yet known. She was afraid that others would feel that she would "want to go to Lin Yichen's heat", so she dared to exchange phone numbers when she saw Lin Yichen for the third time.
    Lin Yichen is slow, Yang Yanlin is lively. Two girls with complementary personalities quickly become friends, and even get to buy a house in the same community.
    Although this agreement was not realized because Lin Yichen went abroad, the friendship between the two continued to this day.
    In 2021 after more than ten years, Lin Yichen, who has been reported by the media for a long time, was unable to disturb the "unhappy marriage", and wrote an article on Weibo to respond.
    soon, Yang Yanlin reposted the article, she said, "Listen to the voice of the parties, okay."
    In 2004, Yang Yanlin partnered with He Junxiang in the TV series "The Devil is Being You".
    In the TV series, the company asked Yang Yanlin to sing the theme song "Ambiguous" for the TV series. At first Yang Yanlin knew that she was going to sing, and she felt very incredible. She said, "At that time, I didn't want to be a singer."
    For her, she was dealing with her two identities between the host and the actor at that time. It seems to be far from myself.
    The TV series "The Devil is around" Yang Yanlin and He Junxiang
    But even so, Yang Yanlin still recorded the theme song "Ambiguous", and this song also became the first single of Yang Yilin. At that time, "Ambiguous" sold 160,000 good results, and Yang Yanlin's company hosted a celebration banquet for her. At the banquet, her idol Sun Yanzi also sent a video of Daohe. At the end of the video, Sun Yanzi held his fist and said to Yang Yanlin: "丞 视, come on."
    This year, "Sweetheart leader" Wang Xinling won the Taiwanese idol drama viewing champion, and "electric eye leader" Zhang Shaohan launched the music album "Oolla". Yang Yilin, who has quickly became popular with "The Devil's Benefits", was also named "cute leader" by the media, together with Wang Xinling and Zhang Shaohan, and was named "Taiwan's Three Sky Earlier".
    In look at the starting point of "The Devil is Being You". In the ten years of the most glorious idol industry in Taiwan, Yang Yanlin was undoubtedly an important witness and participant. In the following days, she embarked on the road of the heroine of her "sweet puppet": partner Pan Weibai starred in "Bad Smile Flowers" and collaborated with Luo Zhixiang "Sea School Sweetheart".
    In those years, the number of idol dramas she starred in her number exceeded 20.
    Luo Zhixiang and Yang Yanlin in the TV series "Sea School Sweetheart"
    The TV series "Bad Smile Flowers" from left to right: Chen Yanxi, Pan Weibai, Fujioka, Yang Yilin
    Almost then, every role of Yang Yanlin could be refined to some commonality -sweetness.
    has no deviation and no surprise. In those years, even on the variety show "Kangxi is Coming", the topics related to her are also focused on cute, doll sounds, how to coquet her boyfriend, and even her show theme, "pretending to be cute It is necessary. "
    , in fact, when Yang Yilin first debuted, her economic company did not intend to plan her in the direction of" cute ". At that time, the company's positioning was "stubborn angel", and Yang Yanlin didn't know why she suddenly became a "cute leader".
    to this day, although Yang Yanlin no longer claims to be "cute leader", she still appreciates this title very much: "Because I really rely on this title, they have become popular step by step."
    "cuteness The identity of the leader "has become a label that she distinguishes with other female singers, but in turn, this label has also been locked in a certain framework for a long time.
    The years, except for most of the characters played as bright and cute girls. The album she released is full of cute style. In 2007, Yang Yanlin released the third album "Any Gate". The cover of the album cover Yang Yilin's jellyfish head has a wave of boom in the entertainment industry that year, and many stars followed down.
    The album "Any Gate" Yang Yanlin's jellyfish head
    but the return album itself. This album did not cause much response at that time in terms of sales and reputation. Now, if this album is in addition to the "jellyfish head trend", there is any harvest, that is, the composer of the song called "Happiness Fruit" in the album -Li Ronghao. It was just that Yang Yanlin had never thought about what happened with Li Ronghao. Later, Yang Yanlin said, "And Li Ronghao's three words can be easily reminiscent of very old people." "This album did not respond great, but the" left "in her second album" Meeting Love "was in the year because of the singing of the corner of" Mirley "in the TV series" Struggle ".
    "Any Gate", Yang Yanlin and the team realized that the funny style is not suitable for himself, but the cute label is no longer a "good medicine" suitable for the current music scene, so he began to plan to transform. In 2008, she released the album "Semi -Cooked Declaration". Yang Yanlin said that "semi -familiar" refers to her current state: "Between girls and women, love and dare to love."
    n Three years later, she cut off her long hair for 10 years, completely bid farewell to the cute image, and brought the eighth album "Looking up".
    The album "Looking up" Yang Yanlin's shape
    When promoting this album, Yang Yanlin came to "Kangxi is here" again. The show played Yang Yanlin's cute video on the show a few years ago. Yang Yanlin watched himself who just debuted on the screen, tied with a ponytail, and spoke with a cute accent, and turned to the host Cai Kangyong: "Those you see Things have no longer existing. "
    This year, Yang Yanlin was 28 years old.
    During this period, Yang Yanlin began to jump out of the previous acting framework.
    . She starred in her first "not sweet" role in her life. In the TV series "Tuzhu", she used the two -line narrative method to show the protagonist Zheng Ruwei. The housewife, the other is an independent woman who struggle for herself.
    Initially, after watching the script, Yang Yilin immediately called his company: "I want to pick them up in this show, give them a few days, don't ask me for money, my goal is to play."
    In order to play this role, she will consciously observe the mothers who appear in her life, and spend a long time trying to figure out their living conditions and mentality.
    . Yang Yilin in the TV series "Tuling"
    The TV series was released, and everyone was "frightened" by Yang Yilin's acting skills and transformation. Facing the praise of the media and the audience, in the interview, when a reporter asked Yang Yilin, when the current mentality, Yang Yilin replied: "I really don’t want to say that I have grown up. Get. "
    , Yang Yanlin, who planned to grow up, also met the person who turned her back to the child.
    After cooperating with the song "Happiness Fruit" in 2007, there is no more intersection between Yang Yanlin and Li Ronghao.
    Until 2014, Li Ronghao released his second album "Li Ronghao". During the release, Li Ronghao held a signing concert in Taipei, so the producer invited Yang Yilin to be a guest. On the stage, the host Huang Zijiao asked Yang Yanlin's impression of Li Ronghao. She said to Li Ronghao: "You are my dish in music."
    and Li Ronghao replied: "I like the cute you."
    Shortly after the meeting, the two exchanged communication methods. After understanding each other, Li Ronghao asked Yang Yilin to invite a love in love. However, at the time Yang Yanlin rejected Li Ronghao because he was worried about the distance between the two and the busy work.
    Li Ronghao is not discouraged. He said, "You don't have time, I can come to you." From then on, he will fly from Beijing to Taipei in order to accompany Yang Yilin for a meal; at Yang Yilin's concert, Li Ronghao's figure will always be seen in the corner. Even the INS account was opened, and in Li Ronghao's attention list, only Yang Yanlin.
    Finally, under the persistence of Li Ronghao, Yang Yanlin let go of his worries and fell in love with him.
    The Li Ronghao at the concert of Yang Yanlin
    In 2017, Yang Yilin held a world tour "Who Live in Youth", every stop, she will invite friends of her life at different stages of life to attend, with her mother, lover ,with friends. At one of the concerts, she reorganized the "4 in Love" group, inviting three other members of the other members Huang Xiaorou, Leng Jialin and Zhang Qihui to appear on the stage, and chorus a "1,000th wish" together. After the concert, Yang Yanlin posted on Weibo: "I still remember that I was always worried that no one under the stage before. We all heard everyone's screams." At this time, it has been dissolved from them. It has passed for 15 years. Essence
    At the last stop of this tour concert, Yang Yanlin invited her first love boyfriend Huang Hongsheng. Standing on the stage, two people sang an old song "Sea Wave". After singing, Yang Yanlin said, "Who live in youth, do I live in him?"
    Yu Huaang Art School, boys are the characters in the school, while girls are weird and understandable.
    The people quickly fell in love. At that time, Huang Hongsheng often went to the convenience store to help Yang Yilin buy food after class, and helped Yang Yilin to do homework during the holidays. However, after two years, this first love announced the breakup. The reason for the breakup was because Yang Yanlin had just debuted at that time, and he had to run around every day, which was very busy.
    The love time is not short, but the time of friendship exists is longer. In the following years, two people have been very important friends in each other. Yang Yanlin's mother even recognized him as his dry son on the grounds of "Huang Hongsheng too good".
    Until September 2020, Huang Hongsheng died unexpectedly at home for physical reasons. After that, many friends in Huang Hongsheng's circle of friends have commemorated, including Yang Yanlin, who said, "I will not pretend that I am fine, because it is not good, and it is not possible." After Huang Hongsheng's death, after the death of Huang Hongsheng, after the death of Huang Hongsheng, after the death of Huang Hongsheng, after the death of Huang Hongsheng, it was okay. " Yang Yanlin sang a "Anonymous Friends" for him at his concert.
    . She said to the fans, "I think you all know that this song used to belong to me and you, but in fact, this song was dedicated to Huang Hongsheng before becoming me and you. "
    " This song is dedicated to his planet, Huang Hongsheng. "
    At the stage, Huang Hongsheng's agent placed a doll on the stage of the stage, the doll Wear a piece of clothes written with "666" -that is the number representing Huang Hongsheng.
    Now seeing that Yang Yanlin has been moving forward over the years and has been farewell to farewell. She bid farewell to her good friends, farewell to the past image, and farewell to her former life. In 2016, Yang Yanlin released the album "The Lunar Talk". In this album, Yang Yilin first served as the MV director and participated in the production process throughout the process.
    The album, there is a song called "Audience". She deliberately invited He Junxiang, Pan Weibai and Luo Zhixiang who had worked with herself to star in the song MV. In the song, they played three people that Yang Yilin had loved. At the end of the song, Yang Yanlin said goodbye to them one by one, wearing a wedding dress to the church. The songwriter of this song is Li Ronghao. Perhaps from then on, Yang Yanlin has firmly found the person who stands in the church and waits for himself.
    The Yang Yanlin once talked about in the interview that she was not a person who liked to talk about the emotional situation. And her past emotional experience also confirmed this attitude: In the past interviews, she rarely took the initiative to talk about her love situation, and she rarely responded positively for rumors in entertainment newspapers.
    But after falling in love with Li Ronghao, Yang Yanlin began to become "high -profile". She began to release the daily life of two people on her social network, and she would forward propaganda for him when Li Ronghao released a new album. She even publicly attended Li Ronghao's concert as a "girlfriend" and left the classic "concert kiss".
    On June 3, 2020, Li Ronghao released a new song "Is it OK?" He said, "Do you lie on the bed without knowing that the other party likes you or not likes you, lifts Erlang's legs, unconsciously rises, waiting for the information, while looking at the chat history, I have written it, so I wrote it, so I wrote it, so I wrote it. This song. "On the day of the song released, it was just the day before Yang Yanlin's 36th birthday. On the same day, she shared the song and said, "This ... it should be me."
    of the
    more than a month after the release of the song, on July 11, Li Ronghao ushered in 35th birthday. That day, Yang Yanlin announced a year ago on Weibo that Li Ronghao proposed to her.
    The video, at the zero point of Li Ronghao's birthday, Yang Yanlin's family and friends, holding flowers and red wine, appeared in her room. Li Ronghao knelt on the ground, took out the ring, and said to Yang Yanlin, "May you marry me?" And Yang Yanlin covered her face nervously, nodded and said "Okay".
    Shortly after the proposal, Yang Yanlin and Li Ronghao picked up an unhappy day and returned to Li Ronghao's hometown in Anhui to receive a marriage certificate. And announced on Weibo.
    . They said, "Bless we have received it, thank you."
    If there is no epidemic, according to the agreement, on November 8, 2020, Li Ronghao should appear in Yang Yilin's concert and sang a song with her "ambiguous". However, on this day, the two could only stand on the stage by remotely connecting, sitting on the big screen, and completing the chorus.
    The long -range connection chorus of Yang Yanlin and Li Ronghao
    From the beginning of the epidemic at the beginning of last year, to this day, the two have been separated from the two places for 227 days. At the beginning of the separation, Yang Yanlin often burst into tears as soon as Li Ronghao videos. Whenever at this time, Li Ronghao will start telling a joke and tease Yang Yilin with a smile. After more than 300 days after the two places, in January of this year, Li Ronghao and Yang Yilin finally met again.
    In short reunion, Yang Yanlin appeared on the stage of "Sister of the Wind and Broken Waves".
    Is in the program Yang Yilin will use a more realistic way to comfort her when Cecilia Cheung dances well and constantly blames. Draating the legs is not blame. "
    , as a sister who joined halfway, in order to catch up with the progress, she learned all the dances that had been broadcast in the show before participating in the game.
    Except for business capabilities, she does not make any topics for herself, and she does not even let her husband Li Ronghao vote online for herself. Standing on the stage, whenever someone calls Li Ronghao's name, she will use her hands to boo, and then say, "I'm working hard."
    Muspan began to be surprised. At the beginning, the little girl with a sweet smile became the "sister" who was currently decisive and decisively inadvertently.
    , in fact, Yang Yanlin has always been such a girl. From her 18 -year -old group dissolution, decisively decided to transform as an actor; by the age of 27, she cut off her long hair and bid farewell to "cute"; at the age of 32, she played the first non -girl in life in life. Role.
    Yang Yanlin always knows where his life is, and never offset.
    In 2020, Yang Yanlin's 20th anniversary, she released a song "Like a Star", the arrangement of the song is still Li Ronghao.
    In the song MV, Yang Yanlin marked the important nodes in her life: made his debut through the "Healthy Girl in the Age" in 1999; in 2000 formed the women's group "4 in love"; I guess "...
    In the song, Yang Yanlin sang:" I don't want to say something to my past, just work hard, it's enough. "
    This year, Yang Yilin was 36 years old It's right.
    looking back at the way, Yang Yanlin said that she had no regrets, but looking forward, it may belong to her wonderful story, and she was about to start.

  4. wholesale freshwater pearl jewelry The expression of the post -reading sense is flexible and diverse, and basically belongs to the category of discussion, but the writing is different from the general dissertation because it must be based on the view of viewing. Simply put, it is the feelings after watching. It is important to describe feelings. The specifics are as follows:
    The story in the book "The Realization of Wishes" is the story of a pair of father and son Suba and his son Su Xi. Su Xi is a very naughty child. He does what every child loves to do every day. He does not like to learn, climb high, goes down the river, swim in the river, and loves candy, but all this makes his father a headache, even They dreamed that things that had sex with each other, and the other party couldn't control what.
    Finally, the little fairy helped them realize their wishes to become father, and their father became a son. After experiencing a lot of unhappy things, they turned back to their original themselves.
    Reading this book, I understand a truth: each of us must learn to cherish, cherish everything we have, do our best to do everything , Happy, rely on your own efforts to realize your wishes and ideals.

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