wholesale stainless steel chain for jewelry What are the classic wedding ring styles

wholesale stainless steel chain for jewelry

1 thought on “wholesale stainless steel chain for jewelry What are the classic wedding ring styles”

  1. wholesale costume jewelry necklace One, four -claw round diamond wedding ring
    four -claw inlaid round diamond inherits the basic styles of six -claw round diamond, but at the same time, it is not as "the stars" as the six claws, and the corresponding one seems to be more even more Live and agile. Because the four -claw wedding ring emphasizes the presence of claws like six claws, sometimes, even deliberately try to reduce the size of the claws. In this way, not only makes the diamond look lighter, but it can also be different from more small diamonds with different diamonds. Combine inlaid method.
    . Fang diamond wedding ring
    The believe that you will not forget the love of CARERIE in "Desire City" for Fang Diamond. Fang diamond wedding ring means fashion, luxury, personality, and shocking in her dictionary. Whether it is a square diamond dominated by the princess diamonds, or the rectangular diamonds dominated by emerald diamonds, all of them are eye -catching with absolutely wide diamond countertops.
    three, pointed diamond wedding ring
    diamond -shaped diamond -shaped diamonds belong to the category of pointed diamond -type. These cutting processes determine that this type of diamond carat number will not be small. Otherwise, it is more difficult to set, and it is not easy to achieve effect. The unique tip of the drilling has the perception of "sharpness". Therefore, the spike -type wedding ring is particularly suitable for women with mature temperament to maximize their mature charm. For women who are too weak, this style may be combined Not to be elected, there will be a feeling of being unable to hold on its aura.
    . Drilling ring wedding ring
    Perhaps not everyone likes "pigeon eggs", so the most low -key ritual ring type in wedding rings has always existed for them Essence This wedding ring is not based on any diamonds, emphasizing the balance of small particles diamonds, and the whole wedding ring is embellished with star -like small diamonds, but it is shining but not public. When wearing everyday, it will not appear obtrusive. It can also be matched with other diamond jewelry during the dress.

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